发表于 2006-3-4 20:24:10
我刚才反复听了这一段对白,试着写下来:(Jack的父亲吐完口水之后)"Then this Spring, got another fellow GONNA come up here with him, build the place, help round the ranch, some ranch neighbour of his from Dallas, Texas. GONNA split up with his wife and come back here. So he says. But like most of Jack's ideas, never come to pass."
译成中文是:今年春天,会有另外一个朋友跟他一起回来(注意gonna一词),修建那个木屋(log cabin),帮点农活。(那是)他在德州达拉斯的一个农场朋友。(还说)要跟他老婆离婚,然后回来这里。他是这样说的,但是跟他的大部分念头一样,这些也没有实现。
字幕翻译有很多错误,在这里的主要错误是没有译出gonna, 而且把Dallas那一个词听成Dollars了,然后编出了“赚大钱”之类的荒唐句子。。。无语
本帖最后由 hankent 于 2006-3-5 17:01 编辑