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[交流] 电影《CIAO》英文对话,定期更新

发表于 2010-8-11 00:01:53 | 显示全部楼层
(The doorbell rang…)
J: Excuse me.
JS: Hey.
J: We’re just having dinner.
JS: Are you okay?
J: Yeah,yeah.
JS: Do you want me to come back later?
J: No,it’s fine.
JS: Okay.
J: Hey,Andrea,this is Lauren.
A: Hi,Jeff has told me a lot about you.
JS: Likewise.How are you?
A: I’m fine.and you?
JS: I’m good.I’m doing great. Jeff,do you…You’ve got the vacuum(吸尘器)?
J: What?
JS: I was gonna borrow yours.Remember,mine broke?
J: Oh,right. It’s in the closet.I’ll go get it. Do you want something to eat?
JS: No,I had some take-out already.
J: Well,sit down and have a drink,then.
A: Dammi soldi(把钱给我Italian)
JS: I want some butter? No…give me your purse.
A: Dammi soldi
J: Give me your money.
A: Right Giusto.
JS: Okay,here’s mine. 我爱你…我爱你..
A: I’m happy?I’m very happy?
JS: 我爱你..
J: I like you?
JS: 我爱
A: Ti voglio bene? I love you?
JS: Thay’s it!
J: What was that you said?
A: Ti voglio bene.
J: Ti vullo bene.
A: No.Ti voglio bene.
J: Ti voglio bene.
A: g-l. voglio.
JS: voglio. Ti voglio bene.
A: Right. Can you say yours again?
JS: 我爱你.
A: Umm..我
JS: Perfect! Your turn.Jeff.
J: I don’t know any foreign languages.
JS: Just make up something.
J: How?
A: Just come up with something. Something that we wouldn’t understand.
J Sigh..)Okay,here’s one. It’s so dry the trees are bribing the dogs.
JS: Oh,god,not one of those.
A: What is it? Texan?
JS: Texbonics(德州英语).
A: Texbonics?You mean like Ebonics(黑人英语)?(JS nod) So, you know what that means?
JS: I have no clue.
J: It just means we’re not getting any rain.
JS: That doesn’t make any fuсking sense.
J: All right,here’s an easier one. Um. This applies to you,actually.Tend to your own knittin’(毛线?)
JS: What?
J: What does it mean when I say: “You should tend to your own knittin’?
A: Uh,like,you have to mind your own business?
J: Exactly!
JS: Right. So,how do you like Dallas so far?
A: It seems nice. I haven’t really seen much,but it seems cool. Honestly,coming from Italy,just the fact that a place is clean makes it prettier.
JS: Have you shown him around,Jeff?
J: We just went by Mark’s place today.
JS: Well,you should take him around,you know. Do some sightseeing.
J: He’s leaving in the moring.
JS: So soon?
A: Yeah.
JS: This is a really short visit.
A: That’s what me and Mark agreed on.
J: And what was the agreement?
A: That two days were enough for first meeting.If we didn’t get alone,we would not be forced to stay together for too long, you know.
JS: Right.I mean,what if you got along?Were you gonna stay longer?
A: Maybe. He said that he wanted to come and visit me in Italy.If it all worked out. I’ve done this before.Once. Do you remember Des Moines?Des Moines,Iowa?
J: Yeah.
A: Um. I didn’t have a friend there.I went there to see a guy.
JS: Was this someone you met online,too?
A: Oh,yeah.I was supposed to spend a week there.
JS: Damn(Why say it??).
A: It’s kind of embarrassing.
JS: Do tell(with an evil eyes)!
A: Well,he didn’t tell me that he was bipolar(狂躁症) which is fine,but he stopped taking his medication.So he was acting very erratic when I was there.And by the third day,he stared screaming at me for no reason.So I got really scared and checked into a hotel.
JS: Is there no one in Italy you could date?People who live in Geneva?
J: It’s Genova,dear.
JS: Sorry.Genova.
A: Genova. Um. There’s not much of a scene there.It’s not like Rome,you know.It’s not easy to meet other guys.So,My social outlets is quite limited,and I end up meeting people online.
JS: Why Americans?Why not Europeans?
A: Because I have a fetish(恋物癖) for Yankees(洋基队?应该可以引申成美国佬的意思).
JS: Really?Is that so?
A: No,it’s not that.Just…Sometimes you chat with someone online.You start talking,you have a connection and they just happen to be in…
JS: Des Moines,Iowa.
A: Yeah.
J: Or Dallas,Texas.
A: Exactly.It’s not like I plan it out geographically(地理;地域).Like I have to hit one guy per state at least.I know it sounds crazy that I’m coming all the way out here to meet a person.But every now and then you talk to someone special.And you take a chance.
JS: It was nice to meet you,Andrea.
A: It was nice meeting you,too.
JS: Hey,Jeff,can you help me with the vacuum?
J: Oh,sure. Hey,just leave those on the table.I’ll take care of it.
A: It’s okay.I can do this(sweet!)
J: Okay thanks.
发表于 2010-8-11 00:04:34 | 显示全部楼层
J: The vacuum,Lauren?
JS: I had to make up an excuse.It would be too obvious,otherwise.
J: Right.Very convincing. So,when am I gonna get this back?
JS: Just leave it in my car.I’ll bring it back tomorrow.
J: Ooh,trunk’s full.Not gonna go in there.
JS: I got some room in the backseat.
J: Well,you certainly probed him for details.
JS: He was more than happy to share,anyway. I think he likes you,by the way.
J: Why makes you say that?
JS: Women’s intuition
J: You know,you should tend to your own knittin’.
JS: Like you haven’t thought about it!
J: Good night.Lauren.
JS: Good night.

A: Did I break it?
J: No,it just acts up sometimes(有时候就这样). There we go(好了). Thanks for your help.
A: Thanks for making me dinner. Your sister is funny.
J: You think so?
A: She came by just to check me out,right?
J: Was that your impression?
A: I have to be blind not to see that.

(Dallas’ beautiful night view)

A: Ciao
J: Hey I didn’t wake you up,did I?Was the TV too loud?
A: Oh,no.I just got up and couldn’t go back to sleep.You,too?
J: Yeah,my doctor gave me these sleeping pills.But I think they’re giving me a headache in the moring. You know what Mark used to do when he couldn’t sleep?
A: What?
J: He would jerk off.
J: Never works for me,though I’ll stay up all night.
A: Did you love Mark?
J: Sorry?
A: You love Mark?
J: Of course. He was my best friend.
A: Were you in love with him?
J: (Sign..)There was a time when I was. Were you?
A: In a way. In a way. I was.
J: He would have really liked you if he’d met you. I think you guys could have hit it off.
A: You think so?
J: Yeah,definitely.
A: He knew how you felt about him.
J: He told you?
A: Yeah He was very sorry that he couldn’t feel the same way about you.
J: I remember now what he said last. He dropped me off for my flight to Houston He asked that I send his love to my mom. She was very fond of him. And that was the last thing he said to me. What was the last thing you said to him?
A: “I can’t wait to see what you smell like”. Which one do you think is cheeier? The last thing he said to me or the last thing I said to him?
J: Umm..They’re both pretty cheesy.
A: Yeah,they are. What was the last thing you said to him?
J: “I’ll see you when I get back.”
A: I have something that I want you to see.

M: I’ve been watching you awhile
Your eres and your smile
It’s hard to admit this to you
But each night I go to bed
It’s you that’s in my head
I hardly sleep the whole night through
I’m dreaming three times a minute
And baby you are in it
Won’t you let me be your man
I’m dreaming five times a minute
Baby,I admit it
Come on,let me be your
come on let me be your man

M: You know
when I first saw you,online
A strange feeling was in my head
But nowwww I Just adore you
And each night when I’m in bed
I’m dreaming three times a minute
And baby you are in it
Won’t you let me be your man
I’m dreaming five times a minute
And,baby,I admit it
Come on,let me be your
Come on,let me be your man
Oh, oh, oh, oh

M: I hope I’ll see you soon,Andrea. There are so many things here that I want to show you. And you will meet my friend Jeff. I am sure you’ll like it. Ciao(Italian)
A: Here
J: Thanks
A: Are you okay?
J: Yeah. What time is your flight tomorrow?
A: It’s around 9:30.
J: It’s getting pretty late. We should probably get some sleep.
A: Do you need anything else?
J: No
A: Good night,Jeff.
J: Good night,Andrea. Oh,I’ll set my alarm so we don’t oversleep.
A: Okay thank you.


J: Is your flight to Genova from New York?
A: It’s JFK(肯尼迪机场) to London and then London to Rome and then Rome to Genova.
J: It’s a long flight.
A: Thanks for inviting me.
J: You’re very welcome.
A: I’m glad I came.
J: I’m glad we met.
A: Please stay in tough.
J: I will
A: You should come visit me in Italy.
J: Yeah?
A: Yeah. May is the best time.It’s spring there.
J: Okay.
A: I must warn you. Genova is not as pretty as you think Italy is.
J: Dalls isn’t that pretty either.
A: Ciao,Jeff.
J: Ciao,Andrea.

发表于 2010-10-19 13:37:12 | 显示全部楼层


能把英文的对白做成字幕吗  好奇怪就是下不到英文的字幕。。汗
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