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[交流] 电影《CIAO》英文对话,定期更新

发表于 2010-8-1 10:46:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Ciao Mark,
How are you? I called you yesterday and left a message. Did you get it?
I wanted to let you know that I’m arriving on the 25th and leaving on the 27th.
I’ll try to call you again later to let you know about my itinerary.
I’m really looking forward to this .

Dear Andrea.
I’m sorry but Mark’s no longer with us .He was in a car accident. He passed away last week.
I’m Jeff. I’ve been checking his e-mails and writing people back…I wasn’t aware that someone was coming to see him. I hope that there’s still time for you to change your travel plans.
I apologize for the inconvenience…

Ciao Jeff,
I can’t believe what happened to Mark. It seemed like it was only yesterday when we spoke on the phone.
I suppose Mark hasn’t told you abut me but I live in Italy. We met online and we were going to meet for the very first time. I was planning to come see him after going to my friend’s wedding in New York.
I bought a cheep ticket. I guess I won’t be using it after all …
I’m sorry, Jeff . I’m really sorry.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-1 10:48:36 | 显示全部楼层
I looked through his computer and found the e-mails
Did you read them?
I know I said I wasn’t gonna go through his stuff unless I had to
So you read them, right?
A couple. Not every single one. There’s more than a thousand over the past year
Wow. What did they talk about?
Their lives, what they do, who they are
Were they in love?
I don’t know. It might just be one of those things. You hear about it all the time, people wanting to see each other after they meet online
I can’t quite see Mark doing that, though
Year, I don’t either. What do I know now? This came out of nowhere
I don’t think it’s just sex. I’m sure that’s part of it I’m not nai’ve. But they seemed to have similar interests and opinions, they talked about film, music, politics, current events, things like that. It’s like when I was with him, but it was different.
He was a lot more open with the way he expressed himself
What do you mean?
Well, like, there was this one e-mail where he described this experience he had with his mom in college. She was picking him up at the airport for Thanksgiving, and he noticed that she had a hole in her stocking
And he started to cry in the car. Because she had spent 300 on a plane ticket, and negiected to buy herself a new pair of stockings. He never told me that story before. I just- I can’t see Mark
Being that emotional about things
Well, people usually are when they write. You just share all these things. You wouldn’t share with people around you. Did you find any pictures of this Adrian guy?
It’s Andrea
Andrea. That’s Andrew in Italian, right?
Yeah, I think so. No, I didn’t find any pictures of him. I’m sure thry’re on his computer somewhere. I wasn’t looking that hard. I’m a little scared to look any further, to be honest
Yeah, you may find something pretty scary.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I know he had his flings. Just not with someone this far away
Will you write him back?
I don’t know. I guess I should. He must have meant something to Mark
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-1 10:49:42 | 显示全部楼层
Hello, Jeff.
Hi, Larry. How are you?
All right.
How are you doing?
I’m good, thanks. I just wanted to drop this off. It’s the stuff that you asked me to pick up from his place
Oh, right.
Also some checks came in the mail
Yes, thanks
Please, come in
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-1 10:51:07 | 显示全部楼层
I found this thing in my armpit and I don’t know what it is, I felt it when I was taking a shower
Hmm, let’s have a look
It’s there somewhere
Yep, I see it
What it is?
It’s a skin tag. I just need to snip it off
That’s it? You don’t need to do a biopsy?
Nope. It’s benign.
You positive?
Is that the only one?
Yeah. As far as I know
Let’s go ahead and check this other arm, just to be sure.. Nope,it’s all clear. Look, it’s nothing to worry about. It’s just a piece of hanging skin.
I could also use something to help ma sleep. None of the over the counter stuff works.
Have you always had trouble sleeping?
Sometimes, not always. It’s just been more difficult to sleep through the night lately
Are you under any stress?
I don’t think so
Do you smoke?
mm-mnh, Well, I did. I quite several years ago
Have you had anything changes in your life? Work?
Well, I guess there’s…
__sorry doctor. Dr.Carter’s on line 4. He says it’s urgent
__all right
I’m sorry, Jeff. I get to take this one
Why don’t you go ahead and lay back? I’ll be right back. I’m gonna grad some supplies to get rid of that skin tag for you
Sorry about this. It’ll be just minute
No problem
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-1 10:52:29 | 显示全部楼层
Hey. It’s me. I dropped some stuff off at your parents. They seemed okay. So…year. Just wanted to let you know.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-1 10:53:33 | 显示全部楼层
So, I just need to mail a copy of the death certificate? Mm-hmm. And that’s enough to cancel the account? Okay. I think he set up on electronic with drawal. Yeah. Okay. Can I have the address? Oh, hang on let me grab a pen.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-1 10:56:38 | 显示全部楼层
Dear Andrea.
I’ve been thinking about your trip. I would like to suggest that you stick to your plan and come here anyway. It’s just for a weekend and you can stay with me.
Don’t feel obligated. You may have already decided that it’s best if you don’t come. Just know that you’re more than welcome here.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-2 10:40:42 | 显示全部楼层
(Please be aware of belongings at all times. Baggage left unattended may be confiscated)

Hey. Hi. How are you doing?
I’m good. Welcome to Dallas.
Thanks. Did you have to wait long? My flight was delayed. I called you and left a message.
I got it. I just got here, actually. Do you have any more bags?
Uh, just one.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-2 10:42:06 | 显示全部楼层
This is not what I thought it would be like.
What did you expect?
Cowboys in the middle of the desert.
Maybe a century ago. It’s definitely very different from New York.
Even LA.
Yeah, but you need a car here, just like LA.
Everyone is far apart?
Mm-hmm. It’s not a walking city. Have you traveled much? Where else have you been in the States?
San Francisco, Phiiadeiphia, Chicago, and Des Moines, lowa.
What were you doing in Des Moines?
I had a friend there.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-2 10:44:21 | 显示全部楼层
Ready to order?
Um yep, I’ll get a…tender 28.
De donde eres?
Bienvenido a Dallas. Es tu primera visita?
Yeah, it’s the frist time.
Ahh Cuanto tiempo vas a estar aqui?
Solamente por algunos dias.
Dis fruta tu visita
And you, sir?
I’ll have number 32.
Pollo en vino?

You speak Spanish?
Well, I took lessons when I was in college, and, uh, Spanish is pretty much like Italian.
Oh, right, they’re both a Latin language.
Your English is really pretty, too. I mean, not that I didn’t expect you to be fluent.
Well, my mother was an English teacher. So I guess I’m bit better than most Italians
You do something for the web, right?
How did you know?
Your e-mails to Mark. I read some of them. I didn’t read everything. Look, Andrea, I don’t want you to think I was prying…
It’s not a problem. It’s okay. You were curious. You didn’t know anything about me. So yeah. I’m a graphic desugner. I freelance, work for myself. I mostly do websites. And what do you do?
I work for a bank here. How was New York? You were there for a wedding, right?
Yeah. My friend Vincent got married. We went to school together in Genova. He then volunteered for UNESCO in India
Oh, cool.
He met an American girl. They had a very nice reception. Part of his family from Italy were there,too. It was kind of surreal.
What do you mean? Oh, because you were used to seeing them in Italy and then you ran into them in New York.
Yeah, it’s usually peoplethat I see at home. And seeing them there it’s like…
That makes sense
Is your family here in Dallas?
Just lauren, my step sister. My mom lives in houston with my step dad. My real dad is in St Louis with his family.
And where are you from originally?
Waco…David koresh?
Our claim to fame. But let’s not forget Jennifer Love Hewitt
She’s also from Waco
She was born there.
It’s not very far from here, right?
No, it’s about two hours if you drive.
So you’re also Texan?
I don’t hear your accent, though
I slip every now and then with some words. Like, I still say “y’all” which is “you all.”
How’s that used?
You never heard of “y’all”? Let’s say, for instance, Iwant to say”y’all have a good day” for example.
If there’s you and another person I’m talking to, or, like a group of people.
Like, uh, “ye-all”?
Well, it’s strung together like one word: “yall”
It’s gotta be smooth.
“Y ou-all”
No, now you’re further away. Y’all likeyou have to twirl your tongue a little bit
Uh, y’all?
That’s pretty close. You could be a Texan too, you know.
Mark had an accent. I thought it was quite charming.
He was from a smaller town
Longview, Texas.
Do you know that he wanted me to learn how to line dance?
Yeah. He sent me a DVD, one of those instructional videos. But it was still too difficult for me to learn, so I told Mark that he would teach me when I come to Dallas. Do you line dance, too?
No. I’m pretty bad at any kind of dancing. Mark did it every week, though. There’s a country-western bar here that he went to.
It’s funny to even think about myself doing that, you know?
What? Line dancing?
Yeah, wearing the cowboy hats, and the jeans and the boots. Can you picture me like that? I’m Italian.
I don’t know. Mark had a way of talking people into doing things they wouldn’t usually do.
I never told him how much I hated country music, by the way.
Yeah, I’m not really a fan, either. He was always making me these mixed cds, trying to xonvert me, but I just couldn’t get into it.
Yeah, he sent me some CDs,too., but I didn’t have the courage to tell him how I felt about them. I thought they were interesting, though. The lyrics. The don’t beat the bush around, you know?
You mean “beat around the bush”.
Beat around the bush, right. The lyrics don’t beat around the bush, “I love you I miss you I’m so lonely”. It’s very straight-forward
发表于 2010-8-10 23:18:45 | 显示全部楼层
J: So,if you want a comforter,there’s one in the closet(柜子). But it’s pretty warm now,so you probably won’t need it.
A: Okay
J: And the bathroom’s down the hall this way. I’ve got some towels for you there
A: Cool grazie(OK thanks)
J: Sorry?
A: It means “thank you”.
J: Oh,right. You’re welcome.
A: Is this your room?
J: Mm-hmm(嗯哼).
A: Where are you gonna sleep,then?
J: Well,I have a sofa bed in the living room.
A: I can sleep there. You can have your room.
J: No,no,it’s okay.I don’t mind.
A: You sure?
J: Yes it’s really comfortable. It’s actually more comfortable than my bed.So you’re doing me a favor.
A: Okay,thanks.   Did Mark paint this?
J: How did you guess?
A: He sent me one a couple of months ago. It’s a smaller one,but it has the same style more or less. Do you know what this one is?
J: No,he doesn’t like to explain his art. He gets really defensive(敏感) about it. It’s kind of funny.
A: Yeah,same with mine. He didn’t want to tell me either. This one could be an animal. Like an elephant?
J: Mmm…I don’t know if it’s supposed to be anything. It’s actually quite ugly.
A: Quite? It’s very ugly.
J: (laugh…)He loved to paint.I didn’t think he was any good at it. Of course,I never told him. I actually encouraged him. So this is partially my fault.
A: Well, I told him I love the one he sent me. So it’s my fault,too.
J: (laugh)No, you did the right thing.He didn’t take criticisms well. Oh,hey,I’ve been meaning to ask you is there anything you want to do while you’re here.?Something you want to see.?              A: Can we go see Mark?
J: Sure.
A: Is it far?
J: Not too far. It’s in the north part of town.
A: If you don’t mind taking me there.
J: We can do that tomorrow.I’ll let you settle in..
A: Okay. Hey. I got something for you.
J: What is it?
A: Pesto(意大利酱).My mom made it.
J: Oh,cool.It’s must be good.
A: It’s the best,but I’m biased.
J: Thanks.
A: It’s just a little gift.You’re welcome.
J: Well,you didn’t have to,but I really appreciate it. Anyway,get some sleep.Let me know if you need anything..
A: Okay,thanks.
A: Hi Mom.
AM: Hello? Hello?
A: Mom?Can you hear me?It’s me..
AM: Hi Andrea! Can you speak up? You sound very soft.
A: Is it better now?
AM: Yes.How are you?
A: I’m fine. How are you doing?Did I wake you?
AM: No.You know I wake up early.
A:Everything is fine there?
AM: Yes,yes.Everything is fine. Where are you now?Are you still in New York?
A: No.I arrived in Dallas today.
AM: Ah yes.You had to meet a friend there.
A: Yes.
AM: How is he?
A: He’s fine.I’m at his place now.
AM: Did you eat? What time is it there?
A: No.Mom.I’m starving.Of course I’ve eaten! It’s nearly midnight here.
发表于 2010-8-10 23:19:55 | 显示全部楼层
JS: What’s he like?Is he nice?
J: Yeah,he’s pleasant.He’s very polite. He even gave me a jar(罐) of his mom’s pesta.
JS: That’s really sweet! You guys did anything after you picked him up?
J: Yeah,I took him out to dinner.
JS: Did you find out anything more about him and Mark?
J: No,of course not. I’m still getting to know him. Besides,it’s private. He’ll tell me when he wants to. Hey,you should meet him.
JS: You think?
J: Yeah,I’ll let you do the interrogation(逼供工作).

A: You superstitious(迷信的)?
J: No,not really.Are you?
A: My cat. Caesar. I had one of his whiskers(胡须) taped on my computer monitor last year and I started to get a lot of work. But then. I cleaned up my room and took the whisker off. But guess what happened?
J: What?
A: Work became stale. Nothing was happning for weeks. So I plucked another whisker from him.
J: Ouch(口奥)
A: Yeah,he was not happy. I taped it back on the monitor and work picked up again.Just like that.
J: That’s funny.
A: Yeah,I think I’m gonna pluck some more,tape it around my house.
J: Then you’ll be rich.
A: I hope so.
J: Tell me more about where you live.
A: Have you ever been to Italy before?
J: (Shaking head)
A: Well,Genova is not like Rome or Florence. If you know what they’re like.
J: I have a general idea.
A: Nmm..Genova is not as well-kept as those places. It has a huge historical center,but it’s also a post-industrial town. So you can find 14-century architecture next to factories from the ‘60s.
J: It’s by the sea,isn’t it?
A: Yeah,it has a sea port(港).
J: That’s right.I can picture the map from a history class.That’s where Christopher Columbus(哥伦布) was born,righr?
A: Exactly. I usually describe to people as a medieval and decadent San Francisco. Because it goes up the hills,just like San Francisco.
J: So it’s pretty?
A: Some parts,especially in the mountains. We have a lot of old buildings,too.Churches,museums.
J: Mark and I had talked about taking a month off to backpack(So exciting!) through Europe.
A: Oh,yeah?
J: Yeah,but we could never find the right time to do it. You know,it’s one of those things you always talk about because it sounds like a great idea.
A: Mark said he wanted to come and see me in Italy.But then,I got here first. Just,my time is still not right.
发表于 2010-8-10 23:21:05 | 显示全部楼层
A: Have you heared from Danny?
J: He moved to Seattle after they broke up. I called him to let him know about Mark and thought he was coming to the funeral(葬礼). But he didn’t show up.
A: They were together for a long time,right?
J: About five years. Look,I don’t know if he told you this.But it got really ugly toward the end.
A: Mark only said that things didn’t work out between them. I didn’t ask him why.
J: Danny started using drugs.
A: Really?What kind of drugs?
J: Meth,mostly. They started getting into big fights. One time Mark showed up at my door with a bruise on his face.
A: Danny hit him?
J: No,they were hitting each other. That was at a time when Danny was on something almost every night. Mark didn’t really like to talk about it much. I never got alone with Danny.
A: Why?
J: He didn’t like me spending time with Mark. He thought we were intimate.
A: You mean,intimate sexually?
J: Yeah.
A: And were you?
J: No.Well,I mean,there was one time,but it didn’t really count. We were drunk.
A: What happened?
J: Somehow we just ended up on my bed. Well,I know we didn’t do anything. We had our clothes on the entire time. But at some point during the night we kissed. Anyway,when I woke up he was already gone.
A: So,you never talked about it afterwards.
J: No,it’s one of those things you don’t bring up. It’s just awkward(尴尬).
A: It’s strange that you and Mark were not together.
J: Why?
A: I don’t know. It seems like you guys were right for each other. You were close.
J: You’re forgetting something
A: What?
J: Type. I wasn’t his.
A: What do you think was his type?
J: Well,I don’t know. Someone more exotic looking. Preferably a foreigner. Maybe an Italian?

A: That’s him?
J: Yeah,when he was born. He kept a picture of himself every year.
A: He played soccer?
J: Mm-hmm. He was really goot at it,too.He played through high school. Oh,and that’s his dog,Sammy. He died last year.
A: What happened there?
J: You know he played rugby(橄榄球Oh my god,He is an sport talent!),right?
A: Yeah,yeah.
J: He played in a tournament in London. Broke his arm at a game there.
A: You were friends in college,right?
J: Yeah.
A: How did you meet him?
J: We were in the same dorm. I was t?wo doors away from him.He didn’t speak to me until we were in the same class one semester.We cheated off of each other in our finals.Then we moved off campus and became roommates.
A: What’s gonna happen to his place?
J: His parents will be putting it on the market soon.I’ll ha?ve to help them pack up if it’s sold.I don’t think they’ll be able to do it by themselves.It’ll be too difficult.
A: That’s very nice of you.
J: He would’ve done the same for me.

J: Hey.
A: I’ve seen this room before.He sent me pictures. I feel like I know it well.
J: I wonder why he never told me anything about you.
A: He thought you would judge him.
J: Why would I?
A: He said that you once told him that he was attracted to losers.Imagine what you would say if he told you that he met this guy online who lives in another country.
J: What I said was sort of true.I mean,before Danny there was Eduardo and then Francois.They were all Fu?сk-offs(废物) in one way or the other.
A: You also said that he needed therapy before he started dating again.
J: Yes,I did say that.I even volunteered to pay for his first session.
A: I guessed he just didn’t want you to think that I was a Fu?сk-off before you met me.(nod)But he did want us to meet,you know.When I’m here(所以我来了).
发表于 2010-8-10 23:49:30 | 显示全部楼层
J: I didn’t know this was here.Are you sure it still works.
A: Umm..There should be a switch there,at the back.He bought it online.I was gonna try to kick gis ass while I’m here.Ha?ven’t you played this before?
J: Yeah,when I was like 16.
A: Come on,let’s fight each other.
J: Nah(不了),I’ll just watch….(Turn to play)How do you jump?
A: You just ha?ve to push that button.
J: Mine’s broken.I think mine’s broken.
A: No,it’s not broken.You ha?ve to…You just ha?ve to try harder.
J: Okay,okay.hang on,hang on. Don’t punch me.Let me see if I can get it..
A: Like that.(J said:No)
J: Well,you can’t punch me when I’m trying to.(A said Yeah…)I’m trying to figure out how to work the move.
A: I’m trying to explain to you how to do that.
J: Why you…How do you make a fireball out of thin air?
A: You cannot make fireballs.
J: Well,you just hit me with a fireball.
A: It’s my character.
J: Well,what does my guy make? All I make is pinch.
A: You ha?ve to doJ: Man,this game is lame.   A Combo?
A: Yeah,it’s a combo.You ha?ve to do first button,second button.
J: Okay. First button,second button. Oh,nice! A rain shower! That’s cool!
A: What’s a Fu?сking rain shower?
J: I don’t know,but it took half your health away.

A: You see this one?
J: Uh-huh.
A: It’s the clutch(离合器).You grip it,then you shift. One,neutral,t?wo,and three.Okay?
J: Okay.
A: You think you can do that?
J: I guess we’ll find out.
A: Okay.
J: Whoa…Whoa…
A: Take it easy. Take it easy.
J: Okay.

A: How old were you here?
J: I was about 8.
A: This is your family?
J: Mm-hmm.
A: You look more…more like your mom.
J: That’s what people say.
A: Who’s the girl?
J: Oh,that’s Lauren.My step sister.
A: She’s Asian?
J: Uh-huh,Chinese.
A: So,your step dad is Chinese,then?
J: Mm-hmm,there’s a picture of him in there somewhere. There he is.
A: How did they meet,him and your mom?
J: They belong to the same church. They’ve been married about 10 years now.
A: (laugh…)
J: Oh,skip that page,please.
A: Is this really you?
J: Yeah,back in the day when I was fat and hated myself.
A: And you bleached(染) your hair?
J: Well,I was going for surfer blond(波浪金发),but came out pumpkin orange(橙色南瓜头).
A: When did you come out?
J: In college,senior year.
A: So,Mark was around.
J: Mm-hmm. He came out a week before I did.
A: A week? Why a week?
J: Well ,he called me one day and wanted me to meet him at the library.There was a spot there that was really secluded and private. So it was me and three other girls.And we just sat there ,wondering what was happening.And he just blurted it out,you know,just like that.
A: Unexpected.
J: Yeah. And this was before we had any kind of support group on campus.I was stunned(震?惊).But everyone else was really happy and supportive of him.I think I might ha?ve said something like“way to go”or something really stupid like that,you know?I called him a week after and told him that I was.But he was really pissed that I didn’t back him up the week before.
A: It’s was too late.
J: Well,yeah,I mean,he was expecting me to come out right then,too.
A: I had a friend in high school.He sat next to me in all my classes.We were quite close,but I was in love with him.And he would torture(折磨) me with stories about the girls he was ha?ving s?ex with,you know. O(∩_∩)O~
J: Typical.
A: I saw him again recently.Say,a month ago,at the market.It must ha?ve been at least 15 years since I last saw him.
J: That’s a long time.
A: He’s married.He has t?wo kids.The real family man,you know?
J: Mm-hmm.
A: He was very excited to see me.He asked for my number.Said “We should get together for a drink sometime”.
J: Mm-hmm.
A: But I don’t know if I want to see him again.
J: Why not?
A: Oh,he’s gonna ask about me if I’m married,if I ha?ve a girlfriend.
J: Oh,right,right.
A: And then I ha?ve to tell him,like,Yeah,I used to jerk off thinking about you Fu?сking your girlfriend.
J: Yeah,that probably won’t go over very well.
A: Not at all. The funny thing is that I still dream about him sometimes.Like,once every year.I ha?ve a dream about being in high school with Glaniuca(赞布罗塔).
J: I’ve been ha?ving dream about Mark.It’s like we’re back in college.And,you know,just hanging out,doing whatever.I can actually SΜell his deodorant(除臭剂).And see this red sweater that he used to always wear.That was hideous(丑陋).Then I can feel him sitting next to me. Everything is just so vivid and real,you know?And then I wake up.
a combo(聚气).
发表于 2010-8-10 23:57:45 | 显示全部楼层
J: Man,this game is lame.   A Combo?
A: Yeah,it’s a combo.You ha?ve to do first button,second button.
J: Okay. First button,second button. Oh,nice! A rain shower! That’s cool!
A: What’s a Fu?сking rain shower?
J: I don’t know,but it took half your health away.

A: You see this one?
J: Uh-huh.
A: It’s the clutch(离合器).You grip it,then you shift. One,neutral,t?wo,and three.Okay?
J: Okay.
A: You think you can do that?
J: I guess we’ll find out.
A: Okay.
J: Whoa…Whoa…
A: Take it easy. Take it easy.
J: Okay.

A: How old were you here?
J: I was about 8.
A: This is your family?
J: Mm-hmm.
A: You look more…more like your mom.
J: That’s what people say.
A: Who’s the girl?
J: Oh,that’s Lauren.My step sister.
A: She’s Asian?
J: Uh-huh,Chinese.
A: So,your step dad is Chinese,then?
J: Mm-hmm,there’s a picture of him in there somewhere. There he is.
A: How did they meet,him and your mom?
J: They belong to the same church. They’ve been married about 10 years now.
A: (laugh…)
J: Oh,skip that page,please.
A: Is this really you?
J: Yeah,back in the day when I was fat and hated myself.
A: And you bleached(染) your hair?
J: Well,I was going for surfer blond(波浪金发),but came out pumpkin orange(橙色南瓜头).
A: When did you come out?
J: In college,senior year.
A: So,Mark was around.
J: Mm-hmm. He came out a week before I did.
A: A week? Why a week?
J: Well ,he called me one day and wanted me to meet him at the library.There was a spot there that was really secluded and private. So it was me and three other girls.And we just sat there ,wondering what was happening.And he just blurted it out,you know,just like that.
A: Unexpected.
J: Yeah. And this was before we had any kind of support group on campus.I was stunned(震?惊).But everyone else was really happy and supportive of him.I think I might ha?ve said something like“way to go”or something really stupid like that,you know?I called him a week after and told him that I was.But he was really pissed that I didn’t back him up the week before.
A: It’s was too late.
J: Well,yeah,I mean,he was expecting me to come out right then,too.
A: I had a friend in high school.He sat next to me in all my classes.We were quite close,but I was in love with him.And he would torture(折磨) me with stories about the girls he was ha?ving s?ex with,you know. O(∩_∩)O~
J: Typical.
A: I saw him again recently.Say,a month ago,at the market.It must ha?ve been at least 15 years since I last saw him.
J: That’s a long time.
A: He’s married.He has t?wo kids.The real family man,you know?
J: Mm-hmm.
A: He was very excited to see me.He asked for my number.Said “We should get together for a drink sometime”.
J: Mm-hmm.
A: But I don’t know if I want to see him again.
J: Why not?
A: Oh,he’s gonna ask about me if I’m married,if I ha?ve a girlfriend.
J: Oh,right,right.
A: And then I ha?ve to tell him,like,Yeah,I used to jerk off thinking about you Fu?сking your girlfriend.
J: Yeah,that probably won’t go over very well.
A: Not at all. The funny thing is that I still dream about him sometimes.Like,once every year.I ha?ve a dream about being in high school with Glaniuca(赞布罗塔).
J: I’ve been ha?ving dream about Mark.It’s like we’re back in college.And,you know,just hanging out,doing whatever.I can actually SΜell his deodorant(除臭剂).And see this red sweater that he used to always wear.That was hideous(丑陋).Then I can feel him sitting next to me. Everything is just so vivid and real,you know?And then I wake up.

J: Umm..This pesto is great. Your mom must be a good cook.
A: Yeah,but when she’s in a bad mood,she cooks like shit(粪便).
J: Here,put some of this on your chicken.
A: Umm…What is it?
J: It’s peach juice(蜜?桃汁).Mixed with yogurt and mustard(芥末).(会去试试~~)
A: Wow,your owe recipe?
J: Well,it was an accidental discovery at a buffet(自助餐).You See,my sister and I,we had a dare that we’ll try anything we’d put together.So she did a jello-and-green-bean-casserolem mix(果冻绿豆加炖锅菜).And it was rerrible.I did a sauce with orange juice,mustard,and vanilla ice cream(橙汁芥末加香草冰激凌).And it actually wasn’t bad.But I thought,you know,this may taste better.If I substitute the orange with peach and the ice cream with yogurt.Then I added a dash of nutmeg(肉?豆蔻) for balance. Volla!
A: I like the potatao curry,too.I don’t usually eat Indian foot,but this one has a unique taste.It’s not too spicy(辣).
J: It’s the chardonnay.It’s works wonders with curry(咖喱).
A: You should be a chef.
J: I’m way past the age of changing careers.
A: It’s never too late.In the end,it’s better late than never. To Mark.
J: To Mark. Who’s your best friend in Italy?
A: Hmm…that would be Diego.
J: And what’s he like?
A: He’s my age,slightly taller,naturally tanned(古铜色) skin.
J: How old are you,anyway?
A: 34.You?
J: 29.
A: Oh,yeah?
H: Um-hmm.( Sinister smile )
A: What year were you born?
J: 1978
A: Shouldn’t it be 77? I wouldn’t want you to be my financial planner,man!
J: All right,you got me.I’m the same age as Mark.Anyway,I interrupted you about Diego.
A: Oh,where was I?
J: Amm…slightly taller,naturally tanned skin.
A: Yeah,Uh,he’s very exotic looking.He’s half-Lebanese.
J: Mm,sounds hot.
A: Yes,he is.
J: Were you intimate with Dieao?
A: No.
J: Not even a drunken incident that ended on someone’s bes?
A: We met through my ex-girlfriend.They’re together now,so…
J: You had a girlfriend?
A: Yeah.
J: How long?
A: Six years?
J: No kidding.
A:She’s one of those people I like being with.We get along pretty well.
J: So,what happened?
A: I found out that she was missing a dick! We have known each other since high school.I didn’t come out until my mid-twenties.But she always knew.Just like Mark knew about you in college.
J: He was married once.
A: Oh,yeah?
J: Mm-hmm. Well,it was an arrangement.
A: What do you mean?

J: Well,he had this friend that he used to work with that was from Venezuela,and she was really wanted to stay here.So they got hitched so she could get her green card.
A: Did she pay him for doing that?
J: No,he just did her the favor.That’s what Mark was like.He would do almost anything for the people he cared about.
A: I want to ask you. Um..
J: What?
A: The accident. How did that happen?
J: He was on his way to wrok. An 18-wheeler switched over to his lane(车道).So he swerved into a faster lane to avoid it.And got rear-ended(追尾) by a speeding truck.His car flipped over.
A: What happened to the other driver?
J: He was hurt,but it wasn’t critical.
A: When did you find out?
J: His dad called me. I was in Houston visiting my mom. Flew back and went straight to the hospital. He was in a coma. He had a massive Brian injury.He died the next day.One of the nurses said that when they first brought him in. He was still conscious. I just wished I was there,you know? Have you ever heard that when someone dies that there’s usually a sign beforehand?Like,even if it’s unexpected?
A: Yeah. When my grandma passed away,the day before she died.She was talking to someone in her room,like,having a real conversation.But there was nobody there.
J: You see,Mark was really adamant(坚硬的) about doing his laundry.He never let his dirty clothes pile up.It was just one of his things,but,um…I was there a week afther he died.And his laundry basket was overflowing.I had never seen that before. Maybe that was the clue.That he didn’t have to do his laundry anymore.
A: What was the last thing he said to you?
J: Um..Bye?Good-bye?
A: No,I mean,before good-bye. Do you remember what he said?
J: No,I don’t know.I’d have to think about it. What was the last thing he said to you?
A: We talked on the phone a couple of days before the accident.And he said…
J: What did he say?
A: It’s kind of cheesy(肉麻). Promise not to laugh?
J: Yes.
A: You promised.
J: Yes,I promise.
A: He said…"I cannot wait to hold you in my arms”.
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