楼主 |
发表于 2010-12-20 15:51:44
阿肯(Akon)和麥可傑克森(Michael Jackson)最近合作的一首新歌在唱片公司還沒決定要不要發行為單曲前,就已經提前外流到網路上了。這首叫做《Hold My Hand》的歌曲其實早在二月份就有另一個只有阿肯沒有麥可演唱的版本外流到網路上,當時阿肯和麥可第一次合作的歌曲-收錄在麥可「顫慄25週年珍藏版(Thriller 25th Anniversary Edition)」裡的《Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 2008》-也剛好發行單曲。這首《Hold My Hand》是一首中板抒情曲,阿肯和麥可在歌曲中各有精采表現。雖然歌曲已提前曝光,不過阿肯的唱片公司代表表示阿肯預計要在今年發行的第三張專輯目前還沒完工,所以他們也都還不確定阿肯與麥可合唱的《Hold My Hand》最後到底會不會收錄在阿肯的新專輯裡,也還不確定是否會發行這首歌的單曲。阿肯在和MTV記者談到與麥可合作的心情時,神情顯得相當興奮:「光是和他共處一室,我就已經覺得我成就了這輩子最大的夢想。」阿肯表示,「整個氣氛實在太不可思議了。你知道那種你在某人身旁而你卻無法以言語形容出那種興奮的感覺嗎?…有些藝人的視野只有在某個地區,有些藝人會把眼光放到全美國,我想我的目標是全世界,而麥可的眼光則遠及全宇宙。他實在是另一種階層的人。」
迈克尔·杰克逊回来了!他和阿肯(Akon)合作的全新单曲《握住我的手》(Hold My Hand)目前已经在YouTube.com上泄露(点击试听)!这是一首有钢琴伴奏的优美R&B乐曲,平稳、流畅又不失光芒。之前阿肯就在接受采访时就自信满满地表示,这首歌发行后,将是一首畅销全球的金曲。
而据前日来自Allhiphop.com的传言: 阿肯还将和杰克逊合拍一个配合该曲的全新音乐录影!
Konvict Musik.
Ooohh 喔
Yeeaaah 耶
Yeeaaah.. 耶
This life don't last forever (both: hold my hand)
这样的生活不会永远 (合:握住我的手)
So tell me what we're waitin' for (both: hold my hand)
那么告诉我,我们还需要等待什么 (合:握住我的手)
We're better off being together (both: hold my hand)
只要我们在一起 (合:握住我的手)
Than being miserable alone (both: hold my hand)
就远胜过痛苦的孤独 (合:握住我的手)
Cause I've been there before
And you've been there before
But together we can be alright.
(合: alright) (Michael: yea)
Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold
We can hold each other till we see the sunlight (合: sunlight)
我们也能握住彼此的手 直至见到那美丽的阳光
Michael: So if you just 所以只要你
(合) Hold My Hand 握住我的手
Akon: Baby I promise that I'll do 宝贝我向你发誓
(合) All I can 我会倾尽全力
Akon: Things will get better if you just 只要你握住我的手
(合) Hold my hand 一切都会更好
Akon: Nothing can come in between us if you just
Akon: Hold 握住
(合) Hold my 握住我的
Akon: Hold 握住
(合) Hold my 握住我的
Akon: Hoooooold 握住
(合) Hold my hand 握住我的手
(Michael: hold my hand)
The nights are getting darker (合: hold my hand)
And there's no peace inside (合: hold my hand)
当内心又失去安宁的时候 (合:握住我的手)
So why make our lives harder
(合:why make our lives harder) (合: hold my hand)
By fighting love, tonight. (both: Soooooo)
这样只会让我们的生活更加艰难 (合:所以……)
Cause I've been there before 因为我曾经历过
And you've been there before 你也曾经历过
But together we can be alright (合: Alright) (Akon: Alright)
Cause when it gets dark, and when it gets cold
We can hold each other till we see the sunlight (Akon: til' we see the sunlight) (Akon: ohh yeaah)
我们也能握住彼此的手 直至见到那美丽阳光
Akon: So if you just.. 所以只要你
(合) Hold my hand 握住我的手
Akon: Baby I promise that I'll do 宝贝,我发誓
(合) All I can (Michael: if you just, if you just)
我会倾尽全力 (MJ:只要你,只要你)
Akon: Things will get better if you just
(合) Hold my hand (Michael: yeaaaa)
一切都会变得更好 (MJ:是的)
Akon: Nothing can come in between us if you just
Akon: Hold 握住
(合) Hold my (Michael: hoooooo)
牵住我的 (MJ:哦……)
Akon: Hold 握住
(合) Hold my 握住我的
Akon: Hoooooold 握住
(合) Hold my hand (Michael: hold my hand)
(重复2次) Akon:
I can tell that your tired of bein' lonely (Michael: yea)
我能看出你厌倦了孤单 (MJ:耶)
(on 2nd time repeat-Michael: Hold my hand)
Take my hand don't let go baby hold me (Michael: yeaaa)
握住我的时候,别松开。宝贝,抱住我 (MJ:耶)
(on 2nd time repeat- Akon: Hold me)
Talk to me and let me be your one and only (Michael: hold my haaaand)
跟我说说话,让我成为你的唯一 (MJ:握住我的手)
(on 2nd time repeat- Akon: One and only!)
Cause I can make it alright till the mornin' (Michael: hold my hand)
因为我能让一切安好到天亮 (MJ:握住我的手)
(on 2nd time repeat- Michael: hold my hand..)
(chorus) Hold my hand, (Michael: yeaaaa)
Akon: Baby I promise that I'll do (Michael: hold my hand)
(chorus) All I can (Michael: hold my hand)
Akon: Things will get better if you just (Michael: hooooooo)
(chorus) Hold my hand (Akon: hooooold my haand)
Akon: Nothin' can come between us if you just
Akon: Hold (Michael: hoo)
(chorus) Hold my
Akon: Hold (Michael: hoo)
(chorus) Hold my
Akon: Hoooooold (Michael: hoo)
(all) Hold my hand
(chorus) Hold my hand
Akon: Baby I promise that I'll do (Michael: yea, yea)
(chorus) All I can (Michael: yea, yea)
Akon: Things will get better if you just (Michael: hold my haaand)
(chorus) Hold my hand (Akon: hoold my haand)
Akon: Nothin' can come between us if you just
Akon: Hold (Michael: hoo)
(chorus) Hold my
Akon: Hold(Michael: hoo)
(chorus) Hold my
Akon: Hooold (Michael: hoo)
(all): Hold My Hand
Akon: Hold my hand 本帖最后由 smilesalot 于 2010-12-20 17:45 编辑