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[交流] 【原创】笑说Heath Ledger

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 13:58:21 | 显示全部楼层
And it so nearly didn't happen. Though 10 Things had raised his industry profile, Ledger was lacking in self-confidence, aware of his lack of experience and formal training. During his first audition before director Roland Emmerich, he'd lost it, walked out, only to be called back by a casting director who knew he just couldn't be that bad (Emmerich also noticed that all the women in his company were rooting for Ledger to get the part). Ledger's second attempt was better and he beat off 200 other hopefuls (including future co-star Jake Gyllenhaal), eventually winning a final shoot-out with Ryan Phillippe. It was typical of Ledger that he would share his success with his mates, saving up his per diem payments and handing them to a struggling Martin Henderson.  

当然,这个角色也没有那么轻松就得到了。偶们的babyy由于缺乏经验和正规训练,那时面试角色时成功率不高啊。在《爱国者》第一次面试时,baby被导演刷下去了;但casting director又把他暂时留下了。这时偶们baby的异性缘发挥作用了,导演发现公司里的女性都支持heath~~~~~~~~

终于, baby打败了200多个对手。知道这些对手里有谁吗, 有Jake Gyllenhaal,对, 就是他。

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 14:05:03 | 显示全部楼层

厚道人啊,居然饮水不忘挖井人, 虽然这人只是双手一挥,往地上一戳, baby就自己挖坑。在自己面加水的日子才结束,就将自己的部分片酬放在信封里给了引路人Martin Henderson应急。不过,据偶所知,那家伙至今未还。




“难道是啃的,当红烧猪蹄? 一定美味(幻想状)”


本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-27 13:30 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 14:13:47 | 显示全部楼层
He was on his way. But it wasn't all plain sailing. He was turned down for the role of the Devil in Arnold Schwarzanegger's End Of Days, and for the hit series Roswell. Having gone for the role of Max Evans, one of four human/alien hybrid teens with special powers, he was passed over by producers Fox who still lacked confidence in him after the failure of Roar. Famously, still set of becoming a "proper" actor, he'd refuse the part of Spiderman. Later, he'd be deemed too young to play opposite Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge, Ewan McGregor stepping in instead.


接下来,baby丢掉了Arnold Schwarzanegger的《End of Days》的恶魔角色;还因为要当个真正的演员而拒绝出演《蜘蛛侠》中的角色,baby义正言辞地说“偶觉得偶不应该得到peter parker这个角色,因为偶确实不知道该如何演绎他”


然后又由于太年轻失去了在《红磨坊》中与妮可演对手戏的机会(哭啊,红磨坊啊, 偶心心念的歌舞片啊)

听说在红磨房里, heath和jake加上最后的男主角ewan是最后剩下来的三个演员。最后ewan得到了那个角色,而他们两个因为妒忌成了朋友。

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 14:21:57 | 显示全部楼层
Ledger's next outing would be another success. This was A Knight's Tale, written and directed by Brian Helgeland who'd won an Oscar for his LA Confidential screenplay. Here Ledger would play a squire who, his livelihood threatened when his master dies, illegally takes on the mantle of knight and, abetted by a crew of friends and Paul Bettany's hilariously flamboyant Geoffrey Chaucer, battles evil Rufus Sewell for a jousting title and the hand of a nobleman's daughter. Blessed with a brilliantly inappropriate rock soundtrack, it was hugely silly but impressively romantic, its charm not lessened by a controversy over its poster when Columbia were found to have made up the glowing review by fictitious journalist David Manning. Ah, that poster. Ledger would be horrified by the wannabe star status it afforded him, feeling the "He will rock you" tagline put too much emphasis on an actor who had yet to really prove himself. Still, the movie was a hit and it would bring Ledger another glamorous girlfriend in Heather Graham, 9 years his senior. They'd meet in Prague where he was filming A Knight's Tale and she was making From Hell with Johnny Depp.  

下来就是另一代表作《A Knight's Tale》。

"He will rock you"成了baby的新标签。偶超爱他跳的那段舞, 别的不予置评, 因为除了跳舞那段,其他的偶没看过。

不过,偶可以8一下8g。 一是在拍这部片子时,baby撞掉了导演的2颗门牙;二是在拍william最后比赛那场时,就是没穿盔甲在马上那场时,马儿失控,冲进旁边的围栏,把heath从马上摔下来。这是他惊险的close call之一,而当时他老爹刚好去探班,导演说:偶吓坏了,偶还以为Heath要死在他老爹面前了。

Heathy其他著名的close call, 包括1)冲浪被鲨鱼追  2)冲浪差点被淹死
****备注:有人问偶虾米是close call,就是穿黑衣服来召唤你的那个人(每个人一生中最少被召唤一次),不知道虾米原因,暂时放弃召唤你。

这次baby又有了个新女友Heather Graham, 比他大9岁。偶家baby喜欢姐弟恋(小小声,好消息), 前面那个liza大他12岁。 哎,缺乏母爱的孩子啊!

本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-28 01:26 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 14:22:47 | 显示全部楼层
Ledger would remain on horseback for his next picture, The Four Feathers, already successfully adapted from AEW Mason's novel in 1939 and 1978 and this time directed by Shekhar "Elizabeth" Kapur. Ledger would take the lead role as Harry Faversham who refuses to fight with the British army in 1875 Sudan and instead resigns his commission so he can remain with his lover, Kate Hudson. This of course leads to public disgrace and, having received the titular feathers from his friends and fiancee, who think him a bally coward, he takes off for Sudan on his own and shadows his regiment, dashingly rescuing them from all manner of danger. It was riproaring stuff, but a financial disaster that might have blighted Ledger's fledgling career had it not been for one screaming stroke of luck it brought him. Co-star Wes Bentley felt in desperate need of a break but was contracted to shoot Monster's Ball immediately after The Four Feathers. He asked Ledger to take his part and spare him the wrath of the studios and this Ledger did, at obscenely short notice taking over the role of Sonny Grotowski, the sensitive son of prison guard Billy Bob Thornton. Unable to stand the jibes of his father and racist grandfather Peter Boyle, and painfully disturbed by the hideous work he's expected to carry out on Death Row, he blows himself away, thus acting as a catalyst for Thornton's own redemption. It was a small part, but pivotal and Ledger, for the first time, showed he had it in him to be a genuine character actor.  


这部戏是baby开始抡起大锤砸偶像的开始,不要投诉暴力奥,因为被砸的就是他自己。且不说演技如何,光是拍这戏吃的苦头就说明了baby的毅力和诚意。在沙漠拍戏的时候,眼睛进沙被送到医院;据说还被骆驼咬伤, 原来骆驼也这么好色,嗯,要查一查着骆驼是公的还是母的~~~~~~

戏中的另一个演员Wes Bentley 很想休息一下,但紧接着要拍《死囚之舞》。签了合同的,怎么脱手呢? 他想到了偶们的baby,让baby代替他演,反正临开拍了,导演跳脚也没办法。


Wes Bentley , 好人哪! 你现在在哪里?


本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-28 01:32 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 14:24:09 | 显示全部楼层
Having split from Heather Graham by June, 2001, Ledger was by now back with Christina Cauchi and living in New York's West Village. But work would now take him to Rome where he'd reunite with Brian Helgeland and much of the cast of A Knight's Tale for The Sin Eater. This was a low-grade religious thriller where Ledger would play a renegade Catholic priest in Italy to investigate the death of the head of his secret order. Doors scraped and slammed, shadows hid menacing presences, church conspiracies abounded and an infamous monster lurked. It was all, despite moments of intelligence, pretty silly. A January 2002 release would be put back for a year as scenes that inadvertently caused outbursts of mirth at test-screenings had to be re-shot.




本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-27 13:13 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 14:33:31 | 显示全部楼层
Ledger would return to Australia for his next movie, Ned Kelly, which would see him reunite with director Gregor Jordan. It would also see him leave Christina Cauchi and quickly take up with co-star Naomi Watts (also a Home And Away veteran), 11 years his senior and then hot after The Ring (in which she'd appeared with Ledger's old mate Martin Henderson). As Kelly, Ledger would be subdued and noble, a young Irishman persecuted by racist authority. He'd also, of course, be hugely heroic as he led a gang including Orlando Bloom into bank robberies and away from the pursuing forces of Geoffrey Rush. Unfortunately, the film would generate little interest outside Australia and receive no proper release in the States.

这回讲到baby的回归之旅, 回归澳洲拍《凯利帮》。这次回归当然没有《candy》隆重,但也在时隔4年后再次赢得了澳洲奥斯卡的最佳男主角提名。

但这次回归的经济损失比较大,而且不是一般的大。他的片酬只有5万美元,要知道《10 things》就已经是10万, 《A Knight's tale》是300万,《4根羽毛》200万。 哎,重重的叹口气,baby还真是个性,你可真爱澳州。

不过墙内损失墙外补,这部片子为他到来了一个美人, 金钢女。naomi符合baby一贯的标准,年长11岁,片场结缘~~~~~

本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-27 12:14 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 14:45:41 | 显示全部楼层
Ledger was now big news. His relationship with Heather Graham had turned him into tabloid fodder and his affair with Naomi Watts, Oscar-nominated for 21 Grams and set to star in Peter Jackson's King Kong, brought a great deal more unwanted attention. Fame was not what he was after, and he again proved it by turning down the lead in Oliver Stone's mega-budget epic Alexander. True to his character, he instead stayed focused on his aims and launched into a rapid succession of deliberately varied roles. The Lords Of Dogtown, a fictional adaptation of the renowned documentary Dogtown And Z-Boys, saw him as Skip, the stoned and drunken 1970s shop owner who sponsors a pioneering local skateboarding team and helps them on their way to fame. Then would come The Brothers Grimm where he and Matt Damon would play the titular siblings, travelling con men who fool the 18th Century public with phony magic. Damon is entirely cynical, Ledger more innocent, but both are terrified when Jonathan Pryce catches them and sends them to rescue lost children from a forest haunted by Monica Bellucci's murderous Mirror Queen. It was, as you'd expect from Terry Gilliam, amazing to look at but a tad weak in script, possibly due to confusion when MGM pulled the finances, Gilliam took a break to film Tideland and then the Weinstein brothers stepped in with the inevitable arguments that involves (interestingly, after 10 Things, Ledger had been set to star in Calcio, about an English football fan in Sardinia, but it had been cancelled at the last because Harvey Weinstein didn't think enough of him. Weinstein would change his mind in time to finance The Four Feathers).  





一个敬业的演员,敢亲身从那么高的悬崖上跳下来,我很佩服。heath也由于偷拍事件在片场气了1个礼拜。对于这些狗仔我无话可说,但我觉得至少我们也该尊重一下Heath, 虽然他答应全裸出镜,但也不是这种正面全裸,更何况是工作状态下被偷拍的呢?难怪Heath与狗仔势不两立“





本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-27 12:47 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 14:46:12 | 显示全部楼层
此后,就是出演《Lord of Downtown》和《格林兄弟》,好像米虾米好8的。

除了有一次看到网上一条news 说《格林兄弟》中的女演员(不是莫尼卡,女2号吧),认为heath是最性感的actor。

"He can bed with any woman if he wants"

- 那女人完全拜倒在baby的enegy下了(这个enegy这个词是那女人原话,否则以偶的英文,一时半会还用不上这词) , 简直比偶还hc,偶严重怀疑她的职业,是演员还是影迷?

本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-27 12:55 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 14:46:54 | 显示全部楼层
In the can and awaiting release was Candy, a moving Asutralian production that saw Ledger and Abbie Cornish as a beautiful young couple who, with the help of louche mentor Geoffrey Rush, begin to experiment with drugs and wind up addicted to heroin. Both escaping their past pain, they're bound together by fear and addiction, but also by love, a love that's severly tested when Cornish begins to lose her mind. It was tough stuff, but would win a far larger audience than might've been expected due to Ledger's major success with Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain. Based on a short story by E. Annie Proulx, this was set in 1963 Wyoming with Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal as young ranch-hands tending animals on the mountain of the title. Drawn to each other, they have sex but cannot accept their sexuality, particularly Ledger, brainwashed into denial by his monstrously homophobic father. However, when both are later married and settled into "normal" lives, Gyllenhaal throws off his sexual shackles and goes looking for Ledger, beginning a not-so-secret long-term affair that torments Ledger and destroys his rightly suspicious wife, Michelle Williams.  

Though ostensibly about a forbidden gay love affair, the movie really concerned the living of lies and the denial of self and thus it found a massive audience. Still, given the religious climate in middle America, Ledger and Gyllenhaal were taking a mighty risk and deserved the accolades they received, Ledger being nominated for a Golden Globe, an honour he'd rightly been denied when first taking such a risk, back with Sweat. Many top-lines actors had been afraid to take the lead roles, despite Ang Lee's reputation. Ledger, though, had been encouraged to take it by Naomi Watts and had also been inspired to do so by the story of his own uncle, Neil Bell who, at 20, had been asked by his father if he was gay. Having said yes, his father told him that he was ill and must either go to hospital to be cured, or leave. Eventually, Neil would relocate from Perth to Los Angeles and, for years would bury his sexuality beneath layers of machismo, even venturing out into the Nevada desert to engage in bareknuckle boxing tournaments.  

Beyond the accolades, Brokeback Mountain would also bring Ledger a wife in Michelle Williams, formerly the star of TV hit Dawson's Creek. She, like her husband, had left school early and sought a new life of her own. Indeed, she'd revealed an even more independent steak than Ledger's in that she'd fought for legal emancipation from her parents and taken off for Los Angeles on her own. She, too, would be nominated for a Golden Globe for her efforts in Brokeback Mountain, having already borne Ledger a daughter, Matilda Rose (Matilda? How Aussie is that?).  

Next, as if to confound anyone confused by his convincing performance in Brokeback Mountain, he played the world's greatest seducer of women in Lasse Hallstrom's Casanova. This was a decadent farce, purposefully overblown and Ledger would hurl himself into his role. Having knocked off one woman too many in Venice, Casanova must mend his reputation by marrying a lady of good repute, but instead falls for swashbuckling feminist Sienna Miller who deeply disapproves of his bedtime activities. Thus Ledger must don various disguises to woo her away from her fiance, lard merchant Oliver Platt, while also avoiding the severe attentions of inquisitor Jeremy Irons.  

Ledger would now move between New York and Australia and would continue his artistic growth by pursuing interests in poetry (reading and writing it), photography, art and architecture. He also made it clear that he hoped to build a theatrical career. Thus far, life seems to have gone pretty much the way of this rare all-action aesthete. There's no reason why it shouldn't contuinue to do so.  


不过还是要8一下让偶流眼泪的事: 众所周知,heath baby这次入戏很深,深到是么程度呢?据jake同学满脸泪水的透露,在heath同学最后一天的戏中,拍的是感恩节ennis和那个吨位极重的卡车司机打架,最后被扔在大马路上。结果,55555555, 偶们的baby主动要求真的让那家伙真刀实枪地上,偶们的baby被真地打了一顿,扔在大马路上~~~~~~~~偶的心啊!!难怪连jake都说每次看到这里,他都会哭。 偶也哭!!!


本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-27 13:56 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 14:47:45 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-27 13:21 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 14:48:21 | 显示全部楼层
嗯,嗯, 不要问偶下面的相片哪里来的。

偶很辛苦的, 看看偶得镜头位置就知道偶躲在那里的。基本上说,偶必须隐形,否则的话,偶就被李安一脚踢出去鸟。

本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-27 13:38 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 14:50:59 | 显示全部楼层


这个ennis抱jack的交换,确是Heath Ledger的点子。


他又不是Ennis, Ennis哪有他的精明。这不,网上拍卖拍的热火朝天的那两件衣服,据说只是最后一幕挂在那的2件。真正排戏时穿过的2件据说被baby那去作纪念了,jake好像那的是牛仔帽和Redeo腰带。

算算,这2件衣服可以拍到多少钱?偶想要,“做梦,这是长线投资,要留给小马蹄儿的 - 来自亲爹和干爹的礼物”

本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-30 12:47 编辑

发表于 2006-3-26 15:41:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-3-26 23:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
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