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[交流] 【原创】笑说Heath Ledger

发表于 2006-3-26 12:03:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这原本是我在百度吧发的一篇有关Heath Ledger的英文传记 + 点评。

传记嘛,自然是从网上捣鼓出来的,比较长,而本人的阅读习惯又是一目十行,一知半解,所以要我全文翻译出来是万万不可能的。  Mission Impossible!!!





笑说Heath Ledger 番外之 纹身解密

笑说Heath Ledger 番外之 兴趣爱好

笑说Heath Ledger 番外之 摄影镜头

本帖最后由 侍卫官 于 2006-5-10 20:31 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 12:10:05 | 显示全部楼层

Born: 4 April 1979
Where: Perth, Australia
Awards: Nominated for 1 Oscar, 1 BAFTA and 1 Golden Globe  
Height: 6' 1"

When in early 2006 Heath Ledger was feted worldwide for his performance in Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain, most reviewers expressed surprise that the young Australian was capable of such stirring efforts. After all, wasn't he just the pretty boy who'd sung, dance and smirked his way through the teen comedy 10 Things I Hate About You? Hadn't he stared smugly down from the posters of hip mediaeval comedy A Knight's Tale, posters which loudly boasted "He will rock you"? Wasn't he, for God's sake, in Home And Away?  

Perhaps the reviewers should not have been so taken aback. Ledger had already shown great promise with his brief but telling appearance in the Oscar-winning Monster's Ball. Moreover, hugely adventurous and artistically ambitious, he'd proved from an early age to be a fledgling Renaissance Man, a cultural sponge, sucking up the wisdom of those older and more experienced than himself, and he'd continued this practice in his film career, drawing on the likes of Bryan Brown, Mel Gibson, Roland Emmerich, Billy Bob Thornton, Terry Gilliam and Geoffrey Rush, to say nothing of a string of girlfriends considerably his senior in age. Like Johnny Depp before him, he'd made a conscious decision to escape the heart-throb image and worked hard to become more a substantial actor. If there was anything surprising to his story, it was simply that he'd succeeded so quickly.  

偶一目十行后发现,这一部分是粉丝必备的基础知识。谁要说不明白,罚站墙角,学英文,喊100遍“  Heath baby rocked me.”

好啦,说说偶最喜欢的一段话,就是最后一句  (一般中心思想不在最后一句,就在第一句。记住了偶给你的第1条tip)

“Like Johnny Depp before him, he'd made a conscious decision to escape the heart-throb image and worked hard to become more a substantial actor. If there was anything surprising to his story, it was simply that he'd succeeded so quickly.”

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 12:12:40 | 显示全部楼层

He was born Heath Andrew Ledger on the 4th of April, 1979, at the Subiaco Hospital in Perth, Western Australia. The Ledger name was well-known in Perth, the family having run a foundry that provided much of the raw material for the famous Perth to Kalgoorlie Pipeline, which ran 557 kilometres east out into the desert and, beginning to pump back in 1903, first supplied the Western Australian goldfields and now served over 100,000 people and 6 million sheep in 44,000 square miles. The Sir Frank Ledger Charitable Trust, named after Heath's great-grandfather, was renowned for granting funds to the area's universities, paying for visiting lecturers and scholarships for gifted students.

他出生的医院是柏斯的Subiaco Hospital, 他的曾祖父是爵士啊,Sir Frank Ledger ,曾经是当地大学的资助人。


你家到底卖虾米啊,heath baby??
 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 12:18:52 | 显示全部楼层
In keeping with the family tradition, Heath's father Kim, a racing enthusiast, ran several engineering firms in the city, while Heath's mother, Sally, hailing from the Scottish Campbell clan, was a French teacher. High romantics, they named their son after Emily Bronte's Heathcliff having some four years earlier called their first-born daughter Catherine (she'd be known as Kate). There would be two more half-sisters, Olivia and Ashleigh, born to Kim and Sally respectively once they had separated. This would happen when Heath was 10. By then he'd already enrolled at the Guildford Grammar School, an all-boy academy set on 100 glorious hectares of undulating land beside the Swan river, some 15 kilometres to the north-east of the city. For 10 years this would be the seat of Heath's education. Dedicated to "the growth and freedom of young minds and bodies", it had vast playing fields, horse riding facilities and even its own farm. Students could go rowing on the river or test themselves in an Olympic-sized swimming pool. The choir sang in the Chapel of St Mary and St George, one of the finest and most imposing examples of gothic architecture in Australia.



可惜啊,10岁老爹老娘就各奔东西了,偶们的baby那时正在Guildford Grammar School这个男校了里锻炼心智和体魄。看到 "the growth and freedom of young minds and bodies" 这句话,我这么怎么渴望喊一声“准备着,时刻准备着”,然后看看胸前飘扬的红旗一角 。

这个学校有很多的游乐设施,骑马设施,甚至还有自己的农场。小小声, 虾米学校嘛,村办小学嘛!


本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-28 00:58 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 12:27:19 | 显示全部楼层
At Guildford, where most of the sons of Western Australia's farmers were boarders, Ledger was something of a maverick. Disturbed by the school's military aspects where cadets would be trained in the use of weaponry, he instead opted for sports, playing cricket and Rules football and especially excelling in field hockey, making the school's First XI at a very young age. He was pretty sporty all round. Outside of school he surfed and skateboarded and was a keen fisherman. He also spent much time with his father in the pits of many motor sport and speedway events, and would win several titles as a go-kart champion.


这都不知道,还当粉丝,偶拍飞你,偶们的宝宝爱锻炼,18般武艺样样齐全,擅长足球(也可能是橄榄球,这个Rules football偶有些分不清,好像应该是英式橄榄球,就是《四根羽毛》里他有玩的那种)、板球(知道这是虾米吗,不知道,自己查去,给个tip,很有英国绅士风度的项目),最好的是曲棍球,很小的时候就是学校的First XI (不要问我是什么,你说是最棒的几个人,这答案太肤浅。偶的深入的猜想是:校队比赛时最早被派上去消耗对方体力精力的几个人,奥,这叫首发)。学校的奖都是小儿科,90年时baby还是Australia's Kalamunda Field Hockey team 队的队员,恩,90年,11岁,少年队的拉。


本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-28 00:54 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 12:37:07 | 显示全部楼层
Beyond this, for he was truly a Renaissance boy, there was art. Ledger would plaster his room with abstract art and had already taken up drama. Having seen sister Kate onstage with Perth's Shakespearean troupe at the Globe theatre, he'd yearned to get up there himself and, at age 10, he did, taking the lead in the theatre's production of Peter Pan. At Guildford Grammar, given the choice of cooking or drama, he naturally picked the latter. Several teachers actively discouraged him but this just made him angry and all the more determined. As would be the norm throughout his life, he would learn rapidly. Though he had no real thoughts of a career in cinema, he did love films, particularly idolising Gene Kelly. Having taught himself to dance like his hero (another lifetime norm, this self-tuition, Ledger's not big on lessons), he'd eventually choreograph a 60-strong Guildford team to the first all-boy victory at the Rock Eisteddfod, a national competition. It was a triumph that said much for Ledger's precocious talents, rigorous self-discipline and charisma as his team of macho farmers' boys could not dance at all at first and really weren't keen on a routine Ledger had devised on the theme of Fashion.  

偶开始一直不明白这句for he was truly a Renaissance boy,文艺复兴时期的男孩,搞错了,偶家baby现在才27岁,哪有那么老,都成老妖精了。







然后就是舞蹈团故事了,他在Guildford Grammar的组织舞蹈团参加全国学生大赛,赢了冠军。看到choreograph这个词了吗,他是领舞奥。


本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-28 02:26 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 12:43:37 | 显示全部楼层
As said, Ledger as yet had no clear idea of a screen career, but he was aware of the possibility, certainly enough to get himself taken on by his sister's agent. As an extra he'd appeared in 1992's Clowning Around, starring Ernie Dingo, where a kid ran off to join the circus, and, a year later had popped up in Ship To Shore, a kind of Australian Happy Days, both productions having been filmed in Perth. Come 1995, though, matters became more serious when Ledger joined the cast of the TV series Sweat, again shot in Perth. This would deal with the routines, temptations, disappointments and triumphs of a group of kids at an elite sports academy. Heath was given the choice of two parts - a swimmer or a cyclist - and revealed a newly burgeoning ambition when he chose to play the cyclist, Steve "Snowy" Bowles. As the character was gay, he reasoned, and gay characters never appeared on Australian TV, he was bound to be noticed. And, though the show was wretched (it was canned after 26 episodes) and the acting poor, he was.

不是吧,baby 92年还在一个ms马戏团的地方演过Ernie Dingo, 倒!!!!!


本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-27 02:55 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 12:45:12 | 显示全部楼层
More importantly, he made a connection. Also appearing in the show, as Tom Nash, was actor Martin Henderson. Though four years older than Ledger, he got on really well with the younger kid and recognised in him something special. On his return home to Sydney, Henderson called Ledger and told him he should come to the big city and give acting a real shot. Ledger was unsure but decided to dip his toe in the water. Arriving at Henderson's apartment with just a small bag and a surfboard, he camped in his friend's living-room and was introduced to a wider world of film, TV and theatre. As well as new surfing spots.  

baby人生中另一个引路人出现了,一个比他大4岁的演员Martin Henderson。他鼓励heath要到大城市发展(看来这人对baby的影响还很大,因为这句话,baby不但从珀斯跑到悉尼,更从悉尼跑到美国,注意阿,其他澳洲演员大都是在澳洲有一定基础了才去美国,谁想这个愣小子,默默无闻的就敢勇闯好莱坞)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 13:01:05 | 显示全部楼层
Though only 16, Ledger decided to give it a go. He returned to Perth, left school, gathered his belongings and, along with Trevor DiCarlo, his best friend since the age of 3 (he still gets DiCarlo hired as an assistant on his movies), he drove the 3,200 kilometres back to Sydney. Here he, DiCarlo and Henderson would share an apartment in Bondi for around a year. Ledger would teach Henderson to surf, rising at 6am to ride the waves at sunrise on the northern beaches. Henderson would lead his young westerner friends in a merry riot of girls, beer and parties.  

更严重的是,偶们的baby听了此人的要言蛊惑后,居然在16岁那年退学离家,和另一个好朋友Trevor DiCarlo驾车3200公里“投奔悉尼”鸟。乖乖,16岁,有驾照吗?????

三个人合住一个公寓,jake,不要激动,安啦, baby是你的拉,偶们粉丝都这么判决的。baby应该是个念旧的人,因为Trevor DiCarlo现在还是他的助理。


本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-28 00:55 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 13:23:28 | 显示全部楼层
Work, enviably, came quickly to him. He'd win a small role in the movie Blackrock where a schoolboy witnesses a rape and murder and must hold his tongue so as not to betray his friends. Then there'd be another tiny part in Paws, a frothy, Beethoven-style kids movie where Billy Connelly voiced a friendly hound who holds the secret to a $1 million fortune, Ledger appearing as a student playing Shakespeare's Oberon in a play within the movie. With money being short, he even took a part in long-running soap Home And Away, concerning the lives and loves of the residents of Summer Bay. Ledger would appear in several episodes as Scott Irwin, a rough-boy surfer-type who hides a shameful secret and commits assuault when he's framed and excluded from school.  

这段时间可能是baby最穷的时候,imdb上的biograpgh说他那时只有69美分了。其他8卦上说他当过洗车小弟, 不用说也知道肯定是最帅的洗车小弟, 口水ing,偶决定把车开到澳洲让你洗,好像得先经时光隧道回到从前。 “那个请问时光隧道怎么走?”



本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-28 01:02 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 13:31:03 | 显示全部楼层
The big breakthrough, though, would come with Roar. This was a US-financed mediaeval fantasy, filmed in Queensland and inspired by Braveheart, where Ledger would star as Conor, a Celtic prince who, often clad only in a loincloth, each week struggles with a new girl and a new, sometimes magical enemy as he attempts to unite the warring clans and rid Britain of Roman invaders. His chief opponent would be the fellow who speared Jesus on the cross and now cannot die, while his young wife would be played by Keri Russell, soon to find fame as the lead in the TV comedy Felicity, but she'd be quickly killed, a mistake producers Fox would vainly rack their brains to rectify.  

Roar was not a success in the States, rapidly dropping down the ratings, and would be pulled before all filmed episodes were screened. Yet for Ledger it was life-changing. Not only did it give him vital extended experience in front of the cameras, plus a keen cult following among young ladies in America, it also introduced him to co-star Lisa Zane (sister of Billy) an actress 12 years his senior with whom he began a relationship. With Fox heavily hyping the series, Ledger found himself an American agent and followed Zane back to Los Angeles. But to no avail, no work could be found.  

宝宝在澳洲的第1个突破是美国投资的roar这部片子,重点强调美国投资,因为这部戏让baby与好莱坞搭上线了,泡上了剧中的女演员Lisa Zane ,应该还是个姐弟恋吧, 这部片子是97年的,宝宝那时也不过才18岁,然后爱情的感召下(偶自己的猜测),找了个美国经济人,快快乐乐的跟着Lisa姐姐去洛杉矶鸟。



不过,baby超过年龄的成熟也在这时体现出来。根据知情人(是谁?保密,不过偶有他的名字职业)透露,baby对他的美国经纪人的交代是“打死也不接电视剧”。 那个Michelle演过的《Dawson's Creek》,曾开价200万美元。但是富贵不能淫,baby不吃这一套,铆足了劲走既定路线。

本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-28 01:06 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 13:32:11 | 显示全部楼层
Oddly, he'd be rescued from torpor by the Australian film industry when he won the lead in Gregor Jordan's Two Hands. Here he'd play Jimmy, a low-grade hustler in suburban Sydney, dreaming of success in the criminal underworld. Asked to deliver $10,000 by Bryan Brown's big-shot Pando, he's distracted by love interest Rose Byrne and gets turned over, then having to involve himself in a bank robbery in order to pay an irate Pando back. It was clever, confident stuff, an Australian Lock Stock, with Ledger putting in a strong performance - first sassy, then fearful, but always shy and awkward in the company of Byrne.  

但是,baby这种要抱小金人的准金人,运气怎么可能那么差?他很快就被老乡Gregor Jordan拯救了,大兵heath得到了主演Two Hands的机会。99年baby就因为这部片子获得鸟澳洲奥斯卡的最佳男主角提名,才20岁啊。


本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-28 01:10 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 13:54:55 | 显示全部楼层
Back in Hollywood, he now scored a part most young actors would kill for. 10 Things I Hate About You, co-starring teen-of-the-moment Julia Stiles, was a broad-stroke rewrite of Shakespeare's The Taming Of The Shrew, set in High School. Stiles would play the beautiful but difficult shrew who must be persuaded to go to the prom so her younger sister can also attend. Thus the sister's boyfriend hires class maverick Ledger, a rebel with a winning smile, to steal Stiles' heart and take her to the dance. Naturally, after a series of verbal sparrings, they fall for one another, then she discovers the plot and, well, you can guess the rest. It was charming fare and a great role for Ledger who got to sing and dance as well as spar, at one point coming on like his hero Gene Kelly as he cavorts around the raised seating on the sports field, serenading Stiles with the accompaniment of the school's marching band. That 10 Things more than doubled its money at the US box office made him all the more marketable.  

有了提名腰真的粗了一点,一下就接到了《10 things I hate about you》这部戏,偶第一次晃眼看这段介绍的时候,被这个字眼Shakespeare's 重重的晃了一下,那么亮的光,原来这戏是莎翁的名著《驯悍记》(应该是这部把)改的, 天。 这改编者比胡戈段数高,偶愣没看出来是莎翁的底子。


又唱又跳,真得像他的偶像Gene Kelly(演《雨中曲》的,经典)一样了,偶们的baby也心花怒放, 怒放,怒放,怒放,。。。。。于是欧们就看到了那个阳光的美少年,偶们baby的偶像之路开始了~~~~~~~~


插句嘴,刚才一高兴,又去看和听了遍Heath baby的《can't take my eyes off of you》,然后偶就明白了(恍然大悟状),这歌里满眼尽是 i love you baby, pretty baby 什么的,可见, 偶们baby的外号是从这来的,你不同意?敢!~~~~那就算了

btw, 网上查到Heath的昵称是Heathy, 而Jake是jakey

没听过的,听了还不够的,都不要偷懒,深深手指头,按个播放键啦。很严肃的宣告:由于演唱这首歌,baby获得了当年MTV Movies Award的最佳音乐表演提名,真不是吹的。

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本帖最后由 orchidcity 于 2006-3-28 01:16 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 13:56:34 | 显示全部楼层
The scripts now came pouring in. Unfortunately, they were all High School romps where Ledger would be required to do little more than flash that Cruise-like smile, and maybe break out the loin-cloth for the girls. Heath, though, had other ambitions, he wanted to be taken seriously and recognised that any more romping would severely damage any chance he had of being considered for serious parts, particularly in the indie sector. He instructed his agent to bin all High School scripts and settled down to enjoy life in Laurel Canyon where he lived with some Aussie friends and his new girlfriend, model Christina Cauchi, an old acquaintance he'd met again while she was visiting LA.  


 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 13:57:23 | 显示全部楼层
After about a year of poverty, during which he claims to have lived mostly on noodles and water, his uncompromising stance paid off when he won a prime role in the Mel Gibson vehicle The Patriot. This saw Gibson as a traumatised veteran of the French and Indian Wars who reluctantly enters the fray against the Brits when one of his sons is shot and his house is burned down. Cue bloody mayhem as Gibson takes the visceral violence of Michael Mann's Last Of The Mohicans to unnecessarily gory levels. Ledger would appear as Gibson's son, an enthusiastic freedom-fighter imbued with a keen sense of justice and a burning desire to end all slavery, who eggs on his father and also falls for colonial girl Lisa Bremer. Again, it was a showcase role, but this time involving Gibson-style angst and melodrama, a real learning experience.  

偶在imdb上查过了,拍《10 thing》的片酬是10万美元,以偶在美国的2年生活经验,如果这张check是税前的, 那最少40%以上的money进美国财政部的户头了。于是,偶们baby在这一年里经常的以面和水度日(难道没有肉吗? 还是你想减肥)。  

在快要坚持不下去的时候,Mel Gibson出现了
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