By 世新大學 王志弘,節取自《空間理論與城市象徵經濟》推薦書單,擷取日期 2007年10月21日 00:44:38 GMT
第九講 女性主義地理學與酷兒地理學
1.Weisman, Leslie Kanes. (1992). Discrimination by Design: A Feminist Critique of the Man-made Environment. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.(王志弘、張淑玫、魏慶嘉譯,(1997),《設計的歧視:「男造」環境的女性主義批判》,台北:巨流。)
2.Bondi, Liz. (1990). "Feminism, postmodernism, and geography: space for women?", Antipode 22(2): 156-167.(王志弘譯,(1994),〈女性主義、後現代主義和地理學:女性的空間?〉,收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯,《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 609-623),台北:明文。)*
3.Mackenzie, Suzanne. (1989). "Women in the City," in Richard Peet & Nigel Thrift (eds.), New Models in Geography, Vol.2. (pp. 109-126). London: Unwin Hyman.(殷寶寧譯,(1993),〈城市中的女人〉,收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯,《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 565-592),台北:明文。)*
4.Knopp, Lawrence. (1995). “Sexuality and Urban Space: A Framework for Analysis”, in David Bell, and Gill Valentine (eds.), Mapping Desire: Geographies of Sexualities (pp. 149-161). London: Routledge.*
1.Peet, Richard. (1998). “Feminist theory and the geography of gender”, in Modern Geographical Thought (pp. 247-291). Oxford: Blackwell.
2.Rose, Gillian. (1993). Feminism & Geography: The Limits of Geographical Knowledge. Cambridge: Polity Press.
3.Goodall, Philippa. (1991). "Design and gender: where is the heart of the home?", Built Environment, 16(4): 269-278.(李宛澍譯,(1994),〈設計與性別:哪裡是家的核心〉,收於夏鑄九、王志弘編譯,《空間的文化形式與社會理論讀本》(pp. 593-607),台北:明文。)
4.王志弘,(1996),〈女性主義與後現代主義的地理學鍵結—重要文獻之評介〉,《國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報》第八期,pp. 117-128。
5.Women and Geography Study Group of the IBG. (1984). Geography and Gender: An Introduction to Feminist Geography. London: Hutchinson.
6.Women and Geography Study Group of the IBG. (1997). Feminist Geographies: Explorations in Diversity and Difference. Essex, UK: Longman.
8.Bell, David, and Gill Valentine (eds.). (1995). Mapping Desire: Geographies of Sexualities. London: Routledge.
9.Phillips, Richard, Diane Watt and David Shuttleton (eds.). (2000). De-centring Sexualities: Politics and Representations beyond the Metropolis. London: Routledge. |