Trembling Blue Stars的音乐是我在听过The Field Mice后顺藤摸瓜找到的.对他们了解得很少,歌也听的有限.但很喜欢这首《Nobody But You》.
Trembling Blue Stars,一个如此诗意的名字却来自笔名Pauline Réage法国女作家在1954年出版的那本声名狼藉的小说The Story of O,这部兼哲理,色情描写和性受疟倾向于一体的小说其中有一段这样写道,“她的眼睛如同星星——颤动的蓝星(her eyes were like stars, trembling blue stars)”。
《Nobody But You》来自Trembling Blue Stars的专辑《Her Handwriting》
Nobody But You
What am I going to do
I don't want to live without love
But I don't want to love
Nobody but you
Someone who doesn't want
Me any more, me any more
Someone who no longer wants me
What am I going to do?
Anyone else
I'd always be thinking
How they're not you
I'd always be thinking
How they're not you
I just wish you
Would give me the chance to
Never, never hurt you again
Why must it be that
I was too late in seeing that
In thinking my love gone
I couldn't've been more wrong
Anyone else
I'd always be thinking
How they're not you
I'd always be thinking
How they're not you
What am I going to do?
I don't want to be
Alone in the world
But want you only
But only want you
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今天早上因为下周二的期中考,难得学校没有加课,我就理所应当的睡到了1点多,刚刚填了口早饭,又悠闲的挂在网上,真是浮生偷得半日闲啊....... |