《broken heart》这首歌出自《欧美唯美另类歌曲集——断弦的耳朵》这张专辑我已经整体推荐过了,但是我如此钟爱这首歌,以至于今天单独把这首歌给大家听听。
Though I have a broken heart
I'm too busy to be heartbroken
There's a lot of things that need to be done
Lord I have a broken heart
Though I have a broken dream
I'm too busy to be dreaming of you
There's a lot of things that I've gotta do
Lord I have a broken dream
And I've wasted all my time
I've gotta drink you right off my mind
I've been told that this will heal given time
Lord I have a broken heart
And I'm crying all the time
I have to keep it covered up with a smile
And I'll keep on moving on for a while
Lord I have a broken heart
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