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[交流] Annie Proulx:电影比我的文字更有力量 More powerful than my words

发表于 2006-3-6 00:39:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 ... l than my words.rar
发表于 2006-3-6 01:04:26 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2006-3-6 01:14:23 | 显示全部楼层
More powerful than my words
February 4, 2006

ANNIE PROULX, the author of Brokeback Mountain, doubted her story of illicit love in rural Wyoming could ever be filmed. Then she saw Ang Lee's movie and was overwhelmed.
AS A STUDENT OF history and a writer of fiction, I have focused my interest on social and economic change in rural communities - Vermont, Newfoundland, Texas, Wyoming. I am something of a geographic determinist, believing that regional landscapes, climate and topography dictate local cultural traditions and kinds of work, and thereby the events on which my stories are built.
Landscape is central to this rural fiction. I have been interested in the disappearance of dairy hill farms in New England, the collapsing fishing industry in Atlantic Canada and the slow fade of cattle-ranching in the west.
Close Range contains nine stories, including Brokeback Mountain, ostensibly concerned with the Wyoming landscape and making a living in hard, isolated livestock-raising communities dominated by white masculine values, but also holding subliminal fantasies. Most of the stories are loosely based on historical events, such as the botched castration in People in Hell Just Want a Drink of Water. Brokeback was not connected to any one incident but based on a coalescence of observations over many years, small things here and there.
Some time in early 1997 the story took shape. One night in a bar upstate I had noticed an older ranch-hand, maybe in his late 60s, obviously short on the world's luxury goods. Although spruced up for Friday night, his clothes were a little ragged, boots stained and worn. I had seen him around, working cows, helping with sheep, taking orders from a ranch manager.
He was muscular in a stringy kind of way. He leaned against the back wall and his eyes were fastened, not on the dozens of handsome and flashing women in the room, but on the young cowboys playing pool. Maybe he was following the game, maybe he knew the players, maybe one was his son or nephew, but there was something in his expression, a kind of bitter longing, that made me wonder if he was country gay.
Then I began to consider what it might have been like for him - not the real person against the wall, but for any ill-informed, confused not-sure-of-what-he-was-feeling youth growing up in homophobic rural Wyoming.
A few weeks later, I listened to the vicious rant of an elderly bar-cafe owner who was incensed that two "homos" had come in the night before and ordered dinner. She said that if her bar regulars had been there (it was darts tournament night), things would have gone badly for them.
发表于 2006-3-6 01:31:15 | 显示全部楼层
Brokeback was constructed on the small but tight idea of a couple of home-grown country kids, opinions and self-knowledge shaped by the world around them, finding themselves in emotional waters of increasing depth. I wanted to develop the story through a kind of literary sostenente.
The early 1960s seemed the right period. The two characters had to have grown up on isolated hard-scrabble ranches and were clearly homophobic themselves, especially the Ennis Del Mar character. Both wanted to be cowboys, be part of the Great Western Myth, but it didn't work out that way; Ennis never got to be more than a rough-cut ranch hand and Jack Twist chose rodeo as an expression of cowboy. Neither was ever a top hand, and they met herding sheep, animals most real cowpokes despise.

Although they were not really cowboys (the word cowboy is often used derisively in the west by those who do ranch work), the urban critics dubbed it a tale of two gay cowboys. No.
It is a story of destructive rural homophobia. Although there are many places in Wyoming where gay men did and do live together in harmony with the community, it should not be forgotten that a year after this story was published, Matthew Shepard was tied to the buck fence outside the most enlightened town in the state, Laramie, home of the University of Wyoming.

Note too the fact that Wyoming has the highest suicide rate in the country, and that the preponderance of those people who kill themselves are elderly single men.
In my mind, isolation and altitude - the fictional Brokeback Mountain, a place empowering and inimical - began to shape the story. The mountain had to force everything that happened to these two young men.
I have many times heard Wyomingites who have gone east for one reason or another, talk about how badly they missed their natural terrain, the long sight-lines, the clear thin air, how claustrophobic were trees and how dead the atmosphere without the constant flow of wind, and I find it so myself.
It seemed to me that the story could balance only on love, something all humans need and give, whether to one's children, parents, or a lover of the opposite or same sex. I wanted to explore long-lasting love and its possible steep price tag, homophobic antipathy and denial.
These characters did something that, as a writer, I had never experienced - they began to get very damn real. Usually I deal in obedient characters who do what they are told, but Jack and Ennis soon seemed more vivid than many of the flesh-and-blood people around me and there emerged an antiphonal back-and-forth relationship between writer and character. I've heard other writers mention this experience, but it was the first time for me.
发表于 2006-3-6 01:58:46 | 显示全部楼层
As I worked on the story over the following months, scenes appeared and disappeared. (The story went through more than 60 revisions.) The mountain encounter had to be, shall we say "seminal"? - and brief. One spring, years before, I had been in the Big Horns and noticed distant flocks of sheep on great empty slopes.
From the heights, I had been able to see 100 miles and more to the plains. In such isolated high country, away from opprobrious comment and watchful eyes, I thought it would be plausible for the characters to get into a sexual situation.
That's nothing new or out of the ordinary; livestock workers have a blunt and full understanding of the sexual behaviours of man and beast. High lonesome situation, a couple of guys - expediency sometimes rules, and nobody needs to talk about it and that's how it is. One old sheep rancher, dead now, used to say he always sent up two men to tend the sheep "so's if they get lonesome they can poke each other".

From that perspective Aguirre, the hiring man, would have winked and said nothing, and Ennis' remark to Jack that this was a one-shot deal would have been accurate. The complicating factor was that they both fell into once-in-a-lifetime love. I strove to give Jack and Ennis depth and complexity and to mirror real life by rasping that love against societal norms that both men obeyed, both of them marrying and begetting children, both loving their children, and, in a way, their wives.
Many gay men marry and have children and are good fathers. Because this is a rural story, family and children are important. Most stories (and many films) I have seen about gay relationships take place in urban settings and never have children in them. The rural gay men I know like children, and if they don't have their own, they usually have nephews and nieces who claim a big place in their hearts.
For both characters to marry women enlarges the story and introduces two young wives who move from innocence and happy trust to some pretty hard lessons about real life. Alma and Lureen give the story a universal connection, for men and women need each other, sometimes in unusual ways.

It was a hard story to write. Sometimes it took weeks to get the right phrase or descriptor for particular characters. I remember vividly that driving on Owl Canyon road in Colorado down over the state line one afternoon and thinking about Jack Twist's father, the expression "stud duck", which I had heard somewhere, came to me as the right way to succinctly describe that hard little man, and a curve in the road became the curve that killed Ennis' parents. The scene for the kiss when Jack and Ennis reunite after four years occurred in its entirety as I drove past the Laramie cement plant - so much for scenery.
这部小说很难写。有时候我花上好几周时间来反复刻画某个角色。我清晰记得开车去O canny 路然后下午考虑描写jake的父亲。如何描述stud duck类似表情。然后描写ennis父母如何被路上一个拐弯弄出事故死掉。至于jake和ennis4年后接吻的段落,是我在Larami想出来得,很费脑力。
In fact, I did most of the writing while I was driving. The most difficult scene was the paragraph where, on the mountain, Ennis holds Jack and rocks back and forth, humming, the moment mixed with childhood loss and his refusal to admit he was holding a man.
This paragraph took forever to get right, and I played Charlie Haden's and Pat Metheny's Spiritual, from their album Beyond the Missouri Sky (short stories) uncountable times, trying to get the words. I was trying to write the inchoate feelings of Jack and Ennis, the sad impossibility of their liaison, which for me was expressed in that music. To this day, I cannot hear that track without Jack and Ennis appearing before me. The scraps that feed a story come from many cupboards.
这段永远不能写完美,我播放…Spiritual和Beyongd the Missouri Sky.音乐无数次,式者捕获文字,我式者写出此刻两人的感受,他们不可能一起的现实。至今,我每次听到音乐,眼前必然浮现jak和ennis的身影。
I WAS AN AGEING FEMALE writer, married too many times, and though I have a few gay friends, there were things I was not sure about. I talked with a sheep rancher to be sure that it was historically accurate to use a couple of white ranch kids as flock-tenders in the early '60s, for I knew that in previous decades it had been mostly Basques who did this job, and today it is often men from the South American countries. But jobs were scarce in Wyoming in that period and even married couples with children got hired to herd sheep.
One of my oldest friends, Tom Watkin, with whom I once published a rural newspaper, read and commented on the story as it developed. I thought too much about this story. It was supposed to be Ennis who had dreams about Jack, but I had dreams about both of them.
发表于 2006-3-6 02:23:05 | 显示全部楼层
I still had little distance from it when it was published in The New Yorker on October 13, 1997. I expected letters from outraged religio-moral types but instead got them from men, quite a few of them Wyoming ranch hands and cowboys and the fathers of men, who said "you told my story", or "I now understand what my son went through".
I still, eight years later, get those heart-wrenching letters. When I got Diana Ossana's and Larry McMurtry's request to option the story for a film with money from their own pockets - unusual for screen-writers - I was immediately beset with doubts.
甚至小说发表8年以后,我仍然受到感人肺腑的信件。当diana 和larry要求把我小说改编成电影,他们自掏腰包,这在剧作家中很少见,我欣然接受。
I simply did not think this story could be a film: it was too sexually explicit for presumed mainstream tastes, the general topic of homophobia was a hot potato unless gingerly skirted, and, given Hollywood actors' reluctance to play gay men, it would likely be difficult to find a good cast, not to say a director. It was only because I trusted Larry's and Diana's writing skills, film experience, and especially Larry's incomparable knowledge of the west's mores and language that I signed the contract.
我不觉得这小说可以改变成电影,它太色情,脱离主流题材,通常同性恋题材都是热番茄类型,再者,好莱坞演员都不愿意演gay, 找演员会很困难,更别说找导演。只是因为我相信larry和diana的编剧能力,从影经验,特别是larry不可比拟的西部知识和语言(俚语),我决定和他们签合同。
It didn't take them long. Within a few months I was reading their powerful screenplay constructed from the story, but richly augmenting it, adding new flesh to its long bones, filling out the personalities, introducing a little humour and new characters who moved the story along its close-set rails. Yes, the screenplay was beautiful, but my worries continued.

What producers would be interested in a story about homophobic gay Wyoming ranch hands? What actors would have the guts to do this? What director would take the risk? How severely would the screenplay be clawed to pieces? The freedom-granting, yet hostile, landscape, of course, would be utterly lost, and with it, the literal grounding of the story. I thought the screenplay was as far as the movie would go, and I wasn't sorry.
Screen-writers almost always deal with adapting novels to film, and necessarily great chunks are excised, crunched, plots straitjacketed, dialogue transmuted into television-speak. This was different. Larry and Diana were working with a short story that came with a sturdy framework. But there was not enough there.
I write in a tight, compressed style that needs air and loosening to unfold into art. They had to invent, enlarge and imagine. It was, in a real way, a collaboration. I began to wonder why movie people didn't prefer short stories to novels, since the opportunity for original work is built in.
Over the next few years, several producers and directors appeared on the horizon, but there were problems with all of them. Larry liked an interesting young filmmaker who had made a funny and original short feature. I met this fellow in Tucson, liked him, and hoped he would understand the place and the characters. We arranged to meet again in Wyoming so he could look at the terrain and possible scene sites. He came with a photographer, adviser, location person and others.
That meeting turned into something I think of as "The Wyoming Death Trip". From the start, everywhere the tender-hearted city-folk looked there was a dead animal. First, it was deer by the side of the highway, then squashed rabbits on the tarmac. We stopped at a sheep-herder's home quarters. He was out with the sheep, but, as it was spring, there was a makeshift pen with a few dozen bum lambs in it.
 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-6 02:31:53 | 显示全部楼层
感谢 aromap 的辛勤劳作~
发表于 2006-3-6 02:34:23 | 显示全部楼层
One of the film entourage spied a dead lamb by the side of the fence and freaked. He decided (erroneously) that the lambs were starving to death, and, a man of action, rustled around until he found a bag of feed, poured some into a pan and set it in the pen.
Keith, the ranch hand showing us around, blanched. I suggested we leave the lambs, hoping the sheep-herder paid to look after them would not pursue us with a machete. We went to an untenanted house that might work as Ennis' and Alma's place. But as soon as we stepped inside,
there, near the hem of a long curtain that reached the floor, lay a dead mouse.
We finished the day at a lonely ranch house outside Ucross called "the old Childress place". Empty for years, the crawl space below was a haven for rattlesnakes, the interior home to other animals needing shelter. We looked into a dusty room with a hole in the ceiling where once the stovepipe exited.
The Los Angeles people sucked in their breaths as one, for on the floor lay the dried remains of a rabbit, discarded by an owl. That was it. These urban people just did not get it that Wyoming has a lot of wildlife and that the wildlife sometimes gets dead. Animals and rural places were clearly alien to them, and just as clearly I knew they could not make this film. And I pretty much gave up on the whole idea. It wasn't going to happen because there were no producers or directors who understood the rural west, the rural anything. Old story.
这位Los Angeles来的家伙(大概指导演)倒吸一口凉气,看到地上趟着死兔干尸,被一支鹰陶破肚肠。我想他们再也不想把这部电影拍下去了。我也想放弃掉算了。我想这部电影做不下去,原因是没有制片人或者导演回理解西部。老掉牙了。
A long time later, Focus films showed interest. That was encouraging, as it, in an earlier incarnation known as Good Machine, had produced the successful film version of The Laramie Project. I had met one of the people involved with that film in Denver one night, and we had gone up the street looking for a CD of Jim White's Wrong-Eyed Jesus!, which was a great favourite of mine at that time.
So I was inclined towards Focus. They were suggesting Ang Lee as the director, and I thought, here we go again. Could a Taiwanese-born director, probably a thorough-going urbanite, who had recently recreated The Hulk, understand Wyoming and the subterranean forces of the place? I doubted it. But the wheels were rolling now. I didn't know what to expect and tried not to think about it.

本帖最后由 aromap 于 2006-3-6 02:35 编辑

发表于 2006-3-6 02:54:44 | 显示全部楼层
On a New York visit I met James Schamus briefly, and Ang Lee in a funky boite far downtown. I was nervous about meeting Ang Lee, despite his reputation as brilliant and highly skilled. Would we have anything to say to each other? Were the cultural gaps surmountable?
一次去纽约的行程中我在一个城镇酒吧?遇到James schamus,以及李安。我面对李安焦虑不安,尽管他的名声已经很响了。我们还需要互相说些什么吗?文化隔阂可以克服吗?

We smiled and made small talk for a while and then, reassured by something in his quietness, I said that I was very afraid about this story, that making stories sometimes took me into off-limits places and that I feared the film would not follow that path. He said that he was afraid, too, that it would be extremely difficult to make into a film. He said he had recently lost his father. I remembered from my mother's death, a few years earlier, the vast hole in the world that opened and could not be pulled closed.
I had a glimmering that Ang Lee might use his sorrow creatively, transferring a personal sense of loss to this film about two men for whom things cannot work out, that he might be able to show the grief and anger that builds when we must accept severe emotional wounding. I felt we both knew that this story was risky and that he wanted to take the story on, probably for the creative challenge and, perhaps, (though he didn't say so) for the gasping euphoria when you get into unknown but hard-driving imaginative projects. However slender, there was a positive connection.

Later, there were some disagreements. In the written story the motel scene, after a four-year hiatus, stood as central. During their few hours in the Motel Siesta, Jack's and Ennis' paths were irrevocably laid out. In the film that Ang Lee already had shaped in his mind, the emotional surge contained in that scene would be better shifted to a later point and melded with the men's painful last meeting. I didn't understand this until I saw the film in September 2005 and recognised the power of this timing.
Although I have always known that films and books have different rises and falls, different shapes, it's easier to know that in the abstract than on the killing ground. At some point, I wrote a letter pleading for the motel scene, which went for naught. It was out of my hands, no longer my story, but Ang Lee's film. And so I said goodbye to Jack and Ennis and got on with other work.

Before I finally saw the film, I had heard from Larry and Diana that it was very good, that the language was intact, that the actors were superb. But I was not prepared for the emotional hammering I got when I saw it. The characters roared back into my mind, larger and stronger than they had ever been.
发表于 2006-3-6 03:12:35 | 显示全部楼层
Here it was, the point that writers do not like to admit; film can be more powerful than the written word. I realised that if Ang Lee had been born in Barrow or Novosibirsk it would likely have been the same. He understands human feelings and is not afraid to walk into dangerous territory.
Seeing the film disturbed me. I felt that, just as the ancient Egyptians had removed a corpse's brain through the nostril with a slender hook before mummification, the cast and crew of this film, from the director down, had gotten into my mind and pulled out images.
Especially did I feel this about Heath Ledger, who knew better than I how Ennis felt and thought, whose intimate depiction of that achingly needy ranch kid builds with frightening power. It is an eerie sensation to see events you have imagined in the privacy of your mind, and tried hopelessly to transmit to others through little black marks on a page, loom up before you in an overwhelming visual experience.
I realised that I, as a writer, was having the rarest film trip: my story was not mangled but enlarged into huge and gripping imagery that rattled minds and squeezed hearts.
The film is intensely Wyoming. Although it was shot mostly in Alberta, the production designer Judy Becker toured Texas and Wyoming, noting landforms and long views. So visually accurate is the film that a few weeks after I saw it for the first time, I was driving through the Sierra Madre. It was a windless, brilliant day, the aspen lit by slant-handed autumnal light; hunting season and time for the fall shove-down when stockmen with Forest Service allowances move their cows and sheep to the lower slopes before the early storms.
这部电影是压缩的怀俄明。尽管在Alberta拍摄,Judy bercker,电影制作设计人参观了的克萨斯和怀俄明州,记住了那里的景观。电影如此正确处理背景,以至于几周以后我第一次看到它,我正在Sierra Madre开车。这是一个无风,晴朗的天气,秋天阳光明媚。是打猎季节,适合农场人员移动牧群。
As I came around a corner I had to stop to let a band of sheep cross the highway. In the trees on the upslope stood a saddled horse, bedroll tied on behind, rifle in scabbard; behind it stood a laden packhorse. No rider in sight. I thought I would wait a minute and see if Jack or Ennis might come out of the trees; then I shook my head, feeling wacky to have tangled the film and reality, and pretty sure that neither character was going to show.

Aside from the two-faced landscape, aside from the virtuoso acting, aside from the stunning and subtle make-up job of ageing these two young men 20 years, an accumulation of very small details gives the film authenticity and authority: Ennis' dirty fingernails in a love scene; the old highway sign "entering Wyoming" not seen here for decades; the slight paunch Jack develops as he ages; the splotch of nail polish on Lureen's finger in the painful telephone scene; her mother's perfect Texas hair, Ennis and Jack sharing a joint instead of a cigarette in the 1970s; the switched-around shirts; the speckled enamel coffee pot; all accumulate and convince us of the truth of the story.
&copy; Annie Proulx. This essay is from Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay (Scribner 2005).

发表于 2006-3-6 03:15:51 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 TonyLau 于 2006-3-6 02:31 发表
感谢 aromap 的辛勤劳作~

 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-6 06:40:29 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 aromap 于 2006-3-6 03:15 发表
其中一段很让我惊讶:农场主原来专门雇佣两个牛仔上山赶羊,而不是雇用一个,是为了保证当他们有肉体需要的时候可以借对方发泄。。。。这是真的吗?如果是这样,那么军队里成千上 ...

发表于 2006-3-6 18:56:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-3-7 13:22:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-3-10 11:12:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 aromap 于 2006-3-6 02:54 发表

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