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[介绍] 大腕云集 —— 《我不在那里》(2007)

发表于 2007-3-21 22:54:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
是一部关于鲍勃 迪伦的电影,有凯特 布兰切特,朱丽安 摩尔,理查德 基尔,另外就是会有希斯 莱杰和米歇尔 威廉姆斯小两口加盟!目前还在拍摄中,年内上映!
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-21 23:04:08 | 显示全部楼层
IONCINEMA (see below for more details) specializes in promoting foreign films and independent movies with US release dates. On Jan 5th, they published a list of the fifty most anticipated films for 2007, a list which includes movies like Jindabyne (37), Rendition (33), Ang Lee's Lust, Caution (30), Silk (5), Zodiac (2) ...and the top pick for 2007 is……


When: This now belongs to the Weinstein co. and a end of year release is in the projects.

Who: Master craftsman Todd Haynes’s most ambitious project

What: This is a film about the life of Bob Dylan. Each story expresses an aspect of Dylan's mercurial personality and each story is to be filmed differently, in a style appropriate to its theme: Woody (Franklin) - an 11-year-old black boy, always on the run; Robbie - a womanising performer (Ledger), always on the road; Jude (Blanchett) - the young androgynous rock star; John/Jack (Bale) - a folk idol who reinvents himself as an evangelist; Billy (Gere) - the famous outlaw, miraculously alive but growing old.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-21 23:05:23 | 显示全部楼层

在世界摇滚史上,Bob Dylan无疑是承前启后的一位。如果说猫王赋予摇滚乐以生命,那么Bob Dylan则可以说赋予摇滚乐以灵魂。他以暗含讥讽、语带象征、思想丰富、才智十足的歌词,大大拓展了摇滚乐的领域。Bob Dylan确立了自己在社会政治生活中的位置则是由摇滚乐开始的,以异常尖锐的主题,成为60年代美国青年的代言人,而Bob Dylan世所认为最好的专辑是他车祸前的三张,尤其《Highway 61 Revisited》正是具有深远影响的杰作。当然听Bob Dylan不可能光从音乐上理解,歌词才是民谣摇滚的核心,民谣也许无需音乐,而歌词打动人的可能性远远大于其他艺术形式。

《滚石》杂志资深编辑大卫·弗里克评价说:“从来没有一首流行歌曲,能够像它那样深刻地改变那个时代的商业体系与艺术观念。”他说的这首歌就是“Like a rolling stone”,而这首歌曲正是出自于Bob Dylan的这张《Highway 61 Revisited》。

在《滚石》的评选中,这张专籍排在二十世纪最佳唱片的第四位!Bob Dylan带着懒散的声音上路。而且异常具有挑战性,又有危险性。这一年,Bob Dylan经历了他一生中最大的改变。人们已接受了一个驾驭古老传统的抗议者,而无法忍受这个心中的英雄插上电源扮演起摇滚的预言家。但Bob Dylan不愿意音乐形式上的贫乏阻碍他排山倒海的征服欲,他也从来不愿意有人仅仅把他看作民谣歌手。

而日后的时间证明,Bob Dylan带来的革命性和魄力让他成为了巨人!

推荐曲目:《Like a rolling stone》《Tombstone Blues》

Bob Dylan这个名字让你想到什么?一张忧郁的脸孔、一副沧桑的嗓音、唱着反战歌曲,没错,就是他!Bob Dylan,原名Robert Allen Zimmerman,出生于1941年5月24日的美国明尼苏达州Duluth市。他深受美国现代民谣之父Woody Guthrie的影响,并且在其它方面如腔调、服装、姿态等等也都无不模仿Woody的神情。

Dylan被传奇制作人John Hammond发掘后,便开始连续录制了好几张非常具有政治意识的民谣抗议歌曲,这样的大胆作风旋即冲击了当时的乐坛,当然也立刻获得各方评论界的一致赞扬。甚至在当时整个乐坛已逐渐被类似Beatles的英国歌手占领之时,Bob Dylan却都还能在排行榜上占有一席之地,更加证明了他在当时确实激励了无数的青年开始拿起吉他唱出属于他们世代的民歌。

Dylan写出了大量的优秀作品,他的歌曲成为民权和反战运动的圣歌,像《随风飘逝》Blowin in the Wind 和《大雨将至》A Hard Rain\'s Gonna Fall这样的抗议歌曲,有像传统的《科里纳,科里纳》Corrina Corrina和以传统为基础的《来自北部乡村的女孩》Cirl from the North Country这样的爱情歌曲,还有像《我将会自由》(I Shall Be Free)这样的滑稽歌曲。迪伦成了民谣摇滚英雄。

Bob Dylan创立了全新的民间摇滚风格,提高了歌词的内涵和品味,改变了摇滚乐原来那种低俗的趣味,他通过深厚、丰富的、完全诗化的抒情化了的歌曲的主题,使听众随着音乐表现出来的原始冲击力感悟到了摇滚乐的那种容易被忽略掉的神韵。他那略显忧郁的、鼻音浓重的粗犷音质,很容易让听众识别。那强劲而粗放的、几乎不加修饰的吉它弹奏,则融入了布鲁斯音乐的精致风韵。

Bob Dylan的歌常常简单得让人吃惊,只有一把吉他加上个口琴。但也正因为这些方面的原因,人们在唱他的歌时觉得更加亲切随意。当你听厌了某些肤浅的歌词、无病呻吟的矫情……你可以回过头来,寻找一些真诚而有个性的、简单而附着灵魂的音乐来听,那么Bob Dylan的音乐应该是你的首选。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-21 23:06:15 | 显示全部楼层
I'M NOT THERE (1956) - Bob Dylan

Ev'ry thing's all right
And then she's all the time in my neighborhood
She cries both day and night
I know because it was there

It's a milestone but she's down on her luck
And the day makes her lonely
And it's so hard to buck, I was there

I believe that she'd stop him if she would start to care
I believe that she'd look upon this side
And t' care and I'd go by the something
When she's on my way, but I don't belong there

No I don't belong to her
I don't belong to anybody
She's my prize forsaken angel
But she don't care she cries
She's a lone-hearted mystic and she can carry on

When I'm there, she's all right
But she's not when I'm gone
Heaven knows that the answer she's don't call in no one
She's a wave, a thing, beautiful she's mine for the one

And I'm also hesitating by temptation lest it runs
Which it don't follow me
But I'm not there, I'm gone

Now I'll cry tonight, like I cried the night before
And I'll feast on her eyes
But I'll dream about the door
So long, Jesus, savior, blind faith worth to tell
It don't have consolation she's my

I was born to love her
But she knows that the kingdom waits so high above her
And I run but I race
But it's not too fast a pace

Of cource I'll not deceive her
I'm not there, I'm gone
It's all about confusion and I cry for her
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-21 23:11:14 | 显示全部楼层
ps:导演是托德 海因斯,曾执导《远离天堂》。
发表于 2007-3-23 14:26:44 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-23 16:08:18 | 显示全部楼层
托德 海因斯的《远离天堂》很不错,期待这部新片会有新惊喜!
发表于 2007-3-23 17:22:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-23 21:34:27 | 显示全部楼层
Christian Bale ...  Bob Dylan/John/Jack

Cate Blanchett ...  Bob Dylan/Jude

Marcus Carl Franklin ...  Bob Dylan/Woody

Richard Gere ...  Bob Dylan/Billy

Heath Ledger ...  Bob Dylan

Ben Whishaw ...  Bob Dylan/Robbie
IMDB了一下。。为什么都是演BOB DYLAN的?
发表于 2007-3-23 21:40:24 | 显示全部楼层
贴两张女王扮BOB DYLAN的剧照!

发表于 2007-3-23 21:42:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-23 22:02:09 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-25 11:52:44 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Roux 于 2007-3-23 21:34 发表
Christian Bale ...  Bob Dylan/John/Jack

Cate Blanchett ...  Bob Dylan/Jude

Marcus Carl Franklin ...  Bob Dylan/Woody

Richard Gere ...  Bob Dylan/Billy

Heath Ledger ...  Bob Dyla ...

影片好像就是用不同的演员来诠释Bob Dylan的。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-25 11:53:46 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Roux 于 2007-3-23 21:42 发表

发表于 2007-3-25 15:54:31 | 显示全部楼层
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