l[Lightwave 3D 用于建模
Digital Fusion 用于后期合成
Premiere 用于剪辑
Photoshop 用于逐帧调整
Dell Computer 用于渲染及制作
下面是导演对于World Builder 特效制作简要介绍:
After the film was 90% done, I made the decision to make all of the builder's environments -- up to the moment the world breathes into life -- have a strange, projected look. One of the techniques used around the edges of the frame is called chromatic aberration. This is similar to having the red, green, and blue channels of an older projection screen tv misaligned.The effect is you see some blue, red and particularly, green halos toward the edges of the frame. I liked the look and think it provides just that bit of unreality to help contrast the more colorful, "live" moments later. Looking back, I can see how this reads as a bad greenscreen and might have altered or subdued the effect so it would not read this way. That being said,
the project was huge, and there ARE lots of compositing, modeling, surfacing and keying errors all over the place. Don't get me started. A piece of art is never finished, it is abandoned and sent out into the world to fend for itself. I guess I didn't have enough time to finish my world.
Bruce Branit 曾在2000年的时候和朋友Jeremy Hunt一起制作过一部3分钟动作短片《405》,两人只用了1辆Jeep、1台PC、几天的下班时间便为观众呈现3分钟惊险的‘飞机撞Jeep情景’。