发表于 2008-2-11 21:52:54
原帖由 凯文 于 2006-10-15 14:24 发表
对于整个故事,我不责怪Alan,一直很同情他,Alan很可怜,性格内向,不擅表达,他无法 ...
这个电影是同性恋导演Miles Swain对曾经男友Jim Straley的纪念和回忆,但实际上他曾经的男友并没有死,而是离开他了。
媒体对Miles Swain的采访:
GLT: I read somewhere that you based the Alan character loosely on yourself. How so?
MS: We definitely share a lot of personality characteristics. Sometimes I don’t speak up about things; I hold things in. (My boyfriend, Carmine, is sitting next to me, nodding his head.) I had a Tommy in my life. He didn’t pass away or anything, but I made some mistakes and didn’t own up to them, and he ended up walking away.
再贴一张Miles Swain的照片
本帖最后由 crystal0303 于 2008-2-11 21:56 编辑